An excellent way to start is with a "Welcome To My Blog" post.
Tell your readers what you have in mind for this blog.
Tell them what you are trying to accomplish.
Ask for feedback and any ideas they might have for other posts.
Consider using an offline blogging client.
This isn't necessary but will make your blogging easier.
An off blogging client is like a word processor for blogging.
You will be able to write when you are off line and then upload your post when you are happy with the content.
The two most popular are BlogJet and etco (not a typo).
BlogJet is not available to Mac users.
ecto is available for both Windows and Mac users.
Try them both before you decide if you want to use either one.
There are free services available that will allow your readers to to subscribe to your site and receive an e-mail whenever you post a new entry, While on this subject let's discuss your opt-in list.
Every where you surf on the net, every ebook you read, the #1 action you can take, in order to make money, is to build your own opt-in list.
The people who are making money on the net, are the ones who built a large opt-in list.
They have nurtured and built a trust with those people on their list and follow up anytime they have a new product or service to offer.
It makes no difference if your are promoting affiliate money making programs, multilevel opportunities or your own products.
If you are serious about making money you MUST build an opt-in list and stay in touch with them.
The way to build your list is to first get traffic to your site.
The key here is to collect all visitors' email address so you can follow up with them.
Ever wonder why so many marketers give away - free reports, free ebooks, free software, free services or free memberships? They do it just to get your contact information.
You have to make first contact with like minded people who are interested in the same subject.
You will only succeed when you have helped your subscribers to succeed.
Write regularly.
This is the best advice to build readership.
If people like what you write, they will come back, However, if there is nothing new to read, they will eventually lose interest.
So, the more regularly you post something, the more your readership will grow.
Put aside sometime everyday to write posts for your blog.
After awhile it gets easier.
Tell your readers what you have in mind for this blog.
Tell them what you are trying to accomplish.
Ask for feedback and any ideas they might have for other posts.
Consider using an offline blogging client.
This isn't necessary but will make your blogging easier.
An off blogging client is like a word processor for blogging.
You will be able to write when you are off line and then upload your post when you are happy with the content.
The two most popular are BlogJet and etco (not a typo).
BlogJet is not available to Mac users.
ecto is available for both Windows and Mac users.
Try them both before you decide if you want to use either one.
There are free services available that will allow your readers to to subscribe to your site and receive an e-mail whenever you post a new entry, While on this subject let's discuss your opt-in list.
Every where you surf on the net, every ebook you read, the #1 action you can take, in order to make money, is to build your own opt-in list.
The people who are making money on the net, are the ones who built a large opt-in list.
They have nurtured and built a trust with those people on their list and follow up anytime they have a new product or service to offer.
It makes no difference if your are promoting affiliate money making programs, multilevel opportunities or your own products.
If you are serious about making money you MUST build an opt-in list and stay in touch with them.
The way to build your list is to first get traffic to your site.
The key here is to collect all visitors' email address so you can follow up with them.
Ever wonder why so many marketers give away - free reports, free ebooks, free software, free services or free memberships? They do it just to get your contact information.
You have to make first contact with like minded people who are interested in the same subject.
You will only succeed when you have helped your subscribers to succeed.
Write regularly.
This is the best advice to build readership.
If people like what you write, they will come back, However, if there is nothing new to read, they will eventually lose interest.
So, the more regularly you post something, the more your readership will grow.
Put aside sometime everyday to write posts for your blog.
After awhile it gets easier.