"You can do it!" How many times have you heard that phraseology? Yet, when used right, it rings true and honestly workable.
When used wrong, "you can do it" is the worst bromide and foolishness of all.
When used that way, you may as well fall flat on your face and die "trying".
So, on that, I quote Yoda from "Star Wars", "there is no try, do".
Yoda was right.
All you can do is do ultimately no matter how many times you learn not to succeed, you will learn to succeed if you keep on.
I remember this story about a cosmetics chemist, he did over two-hundred experiments before he found out this reality and then it was downhill once he learned how to succeed ultimately.
The point to that little blurb of a paragraph is that real success does not come from beginning successfully, it all genuinely comes from ending successfully however many attempts it may take.
That is the crux and point of this article.
After all, that is exactly what I mean by the how is as easy as the why once fully understood.
"How" is a simple matter of semantics, but "why" is the most important of all, if you have a strong enough "why" you want to do something.
The hardest and most unwanted why reasons make the most impossible "how to do it realities" anyhow.
In fact, the game of impossible only happens when you do not really want something enough.
I am going to end by quoting Dorthea Brande and her "Wake Up And Live" book, but first I want to say that full understanding makes failure impossible, depending on luck from the start without understanding or experience makes success impossible.
With that reality given, I would also like to say, once you have understanding, once you have got "it":
It will be a routine and reality for you.
The game of life does not go to failures, it goes to successes who understand reality fully.
To become a winner, you must do the twenty push-ups and not pay a twenty dollar bill to get out of them, if you know what I mean.
So, I end with the same quote in full context:
When used wrong, "you can do it" is the worst bromide and foolishness of all.
When used that way, you may as well fall flat on your face and die "trying".
So, on that, I quote Yoda from "Star Wars", "there is no try, do".
Yoda was right.
All you can do is do ultimately no matter how many times you learn not to succeed, you will learn to succeed if you keep on.
I remember this story about a cosmetics chemist, he did over two-hundred experiments before he found out this reality and then it was downhill once he learned how to succeed ultimately.
The point to that little blurb of a paragraph is that real success does not come from beginning successfully, it all genuinely comes from ending successfully however many attempts it may take.
That is the crux and point of this article.
After all, that is exactly what I mean by the how is as easy as the why once fully understood.
"How" is a simple matter of semantics, but "why" is the most important of all, if you have a strong enough "why" you want to do something.
The hardest and most unwanted why reasons make the most impossible "how to do it realities" anyhow.
In fact, the game of impossible only happens when you do not really want something enough.
I am going to end by quoting Dorthea Brande and her "Wake Up And Live" book, but first I want to say that full understanding makes failure impossible, depending on luck from the start without understanding or experience makes success impossible.
With that reality given, I would also like to say, once you have understanding, once you have got "it":
"Act as if it is impossible to fail.Sure, it may start out an act, but as you gain genuine understanding it will not be an act.
It will be a routine and reality for you.
The game of life does not go to failures, it goes to successes who understand reality fully.
To become a winner, you must do the twenty push-ups and not pay a twenty dollar bill to get out of them, if you know what I mean.
So, I end with the same quote in full context:
"Act as if it is impossible to fail.