If you're like most marketers, you can probably use some tips on increasing your views and conversions with you Article Marketing efforts.
It's not uncommon for writers to adjust their style to help boost clicks and conversions.
That said, read on as I reveal 7 article marketing tips to boost your campaign's success: Article Marketing Tip #1: Spell Check is Your Friend (and Enemy) Spell check is great...
but sometimes it can screw up your articles and leave things worse off than they originally were.
When running that infamous, final spell-check, make sure you avoid using the "replace all" button.
Instead, eyeball the necessary changes and make sure they actually make sense.
Article Marketing Tip #2: Catchy Headlines Make People
Not Keywords You've got a strong journey inside each article.
You need to get readers to open the page, read the article and then click your Resource Box.
If we revisit these simple steps, you'll see the first step involves getting their unprecedented attention.
You're not going to pull that off with a Keyword Loaded headline.
Instead, keep it catchy and memorable.
After all, it's "people" clicking...
not the search engines.
Article Marketing Tip #3: Keyword Density is Still Important Although some article directories don't enforce this..
some actually do.
No one wants to be seen as a keyword stuffer, especially article directories.
So when writing articles, the magic number is 2%.
This means you can use your keyword phrase 8 times inside a 400 word article.
Anything more looks spammy.
Article Marketing Tip #4: Trendy People Rejoice! If you absolutely have to watch TV, keep an eye on recent trends that can boost your immediate ranking.
There's always some type of major sporting event, celebrity feud or controversial topic that can really rake in the clicks and exposure.
If you write a properly targeted article, you can find yourself with many, many new visitors.
Just be sure to keep it relevant to your business.
Someone that's searching for a music video may not be that interested in internet marketing.
Article Marketing Tip #5: Bullets Are Your Long-Lost Buddies Readers rarely digest your article from beginning to end in linear fashion.
It's common practice to pre-qualify the article by reading the headline, then the bullets...
and finally returning to the beginning of the article to start reading.
If you don't have bullets, you're making it harder to pre-qualify.
Did you notice that I'm using bullets? Article Marketing Tip #6: Help Your Articles Go Viral Long lost are the days of "submit and forget".
Long live the days of "submit, bookmark, ping, backlink".
Once your article is published, send it some internet love by bookmarking the article on StumbleUpon, pinging it at FeedAgg and creating a few backlinks from other Web 2.
0 properties like Hubpages.
This will boost your article's ranking...
and it's views in the search engines.
Article Marketing Tip #7: Test That Resource Box Like a Madman Forget about a Resource box that explains your accomplishments.
Instead, put in a short, 2 sentence call to action that drives the reader to your action page.
This is the single most important tip.
Once you've started using a few (or all) of these tips, your campaign, traffic and sales will thank you.
It's not uncommon for writers to adjust their style to help boost clicks and conversions.
That said, read on as I reveal 7 article marketing tips to boost your campaign's success: Article Marketing Tip #1: Spell Check is Your Friend (and Enemy) Spell check is great...
but sometimes it can screw up your articles and leave things worse off than they originally were.
When running that infamous, final spell-check, make sure you avoid using the "replace all" button.
Instead, eyeball the necessary changes and make sure they actually make sense.
Article Marketing Tip #2: Catchy Headlines Make People
Not Keywords You've got a strong journey inside each article.
You need to get readers to open the page, read the article and then click your Resource Box.
If we revisit these simple steps, you'll see the first step involves getting their unprecedented attention.
You're not going to pull that off with a Keyword Loaded headline.
Instead, keep it catchy and memorable.
After all, it's "people" clicking...
not the search engines.
Article Marketing Tip #3: Keyword Density is Still Important Although some article directories don't enforce this..
some actually do.
No one wants to be seen as a keyword stuffer, especially article directories.
So when writing articles, the magic number is 2%.
This means you can use your keyword phrase 8 times inside a 400 word article.
Anything more looks spammy.
Article Marketing Tip #4: Trendy People Rejoice! If you absolutely have to watch TV, keep an eye on recent trends that can boost your immediate ranking.
There's always some type of major sporting event, celebrity feud or controversial topic that can really rake in the clicks and exposure.
If you write a properly targeted article, you can find yourself with many, many new visitors.
Just be sure to keep it relevant to your business.
Someone that's searching for a music video may not be that interested in internet marketing.
Article Marketing Tip #5: Bullets Are Your Long-Lost Buddies Readers rarely digest your article from beginning to end in linear fashion.
It's common practice to pre-qualify the article by reading the headline, then the bullets...
and finally returning to the beginning of the article to start reading.
If you don't have bullets, you're making it harder to pre-qualify.
Did you notice that I'm using bullets? Article Marketing Tip #6: Help Your Articles Go Viral Long lost are the days of "submit and forget".
Long live the days of "submit, bookmark, ping, backlink".
Once your article is published, send it some internet love by bookmarking the article on StumbleUpon, pinging it at FeedAgg and creating a few backlinks from other Web 2.
0 properties like Hubpages.
This will boost your article's ranking...
and it's views in the search engines.
Article Marketing Tip #7: Test That Resource Box Like a Madman Forget about a Resource box that explains your accomplishments.
Instead, put in a short, 2 sentence call to action that drives the reader to your action page.
This is the single most important tip.
Once you've started using a few (or all) of these tips, your campaign, traffic and sales will thank you.