When people talk about strong Abs what easily comes to mind is a six pack, the type that will often time be on the front cover of a body building magazine.
People usually forget that the importance of the Torso and why it should be strengthened.
To get those cute abs require much work and a lot of discipline.
It goes beyond how many crunches you do and how often you do the crunches.
One needs to watch one eats and when one does.
Heavy Concentration Should be on losing fat, rather than sculpturing the abs.
Every part of the torso deserves some strengthening.
Remember that these muscles are all inter-related and they 'take care" of one another.
If you have a flabby ab and you want those washboard abs.
You need a plan of action and some perseverance.
I often time let people know the importance of a strong torso.
One very great importance is that it protects you from lower back injury.
Another reason why the torso should be strengthened is that it ensures a good posture.
A plan of action is required and one needs some guidance.
Avoid "experts" that promise you a Vin Diesel kind of Abs in 3 weeks.
It takes some hard work, remember that the Ab Muscles are just like any other muscle in the body, although there is a very high chance that there will be a large concentration of fat around this region in some people.
Every part of my body was very moderate fat wise but I had a large concentration of fat around the Torso.
I made the regular mistakes most people in this category make but I soon made out that time to study and analyse.
I do not claim to have the perfect abs but I'm sure my abs will get a comment or two while at the pool or in the locker room.
You can get some recommendation for an exercise regimen from me.
People usually forget that the importance of the Torso and why it should be strengthened.
To get those cute abs require much work and a lot of discipline.
It goes beyond how many crunches you do and how often you do the crunches.
One needs to watch one eats and when one does.
Heavy Concentration Should be on losing fat, rather than sculpturing the abs.
Every part of the torso deserves some strengthening.
Remember that these muscles are all inter-related and they 'take care" of one another.
If you have a flabby ab and you want those washboard abs.
You need a plan of action and some perseverance.
I often time let people know the importance of a strong torso.
One very great importance is that it protects you from lower back injury.
Another reason why the torso should be strengthened is that it ensures a good posture.
A plan of action is required and one needs some guidance.
Avoid "experts" that promise you a Vin Diesel kind of Abs in 3 weeks.
It takes some hard work, remember that the Ab Muscles are just like any other muscle in the body, although there is a very high chance that there will be a large concentration of fat around this region in some people.
Every part of my body was very moderate fat wise but I had a large concentration of fat around the Torso.
I made the regular mistakes most people in this category make but I soon made out that time to study and analyse.
I do not claim to have the perfect abs but I'm sure my abs will get a comment or two while at the pool or in the locker room.
You can get some recommendation for an exercise regimen from me.