Expression: Tant mieux
Pronunciation: [ta(n) myeu]
Meaning: that's a good thing, it's just as well, even better, all the better, so much the better
Literal translation: so much better
Register: normal
Notes: The French expressiontant mieux is an easy way to say that you're pleased about something or for someone.
Tant mieux pour lui.
Good for him.
-La fête est annulée.
-Tant mieux, je n'avais pas vraiment envie d'y aller.
-The party's cancelled.
-It's just as well, I didn't really feel like going.
-Ce fromage est délicieux.
-Oui, et en plus il est allégé.
-Tant mieux !
-This cheese is delicious.
-Yes, and it's low fat, too.
-Even better!
Antonym:tant pis - too bad, never mind
Reader comment
"This reminds me of a fantastic (mis)translation that went the round at my old school (50 years ago) for tant pis, tant mieux: 'My aunt, having relieved herself, felt a good deal better.' " - Perry, 02/25/2012