There are 3 basic categories of candy/lollipop molds.
If you want to make lollipops, consider going for flat molds.
These molds are perfect if you want to create remarkable shapes (e.
fruits, hearts) to cater guests in special occasions.
Looking up on-line can help.
Also shop in the craft stores or classic cooking shops, so you can find all types of shapes/designs.
Amongst all, flat molds are the simplest ones to utilize and store.
They're the cheapest ones too.
Modern candy molds are made out of different types of materials like plastic, resin and rubber.
These are flat.
Pour some hot candy in the mold.
Let it harden.
Flat molds come with shape of several designs on which you can press in your candy.
This helps you in making numerous candies altogether.
When your candy becomes cool, flip over your mold so the candies just pop out.
Apply a little pressure onto its back for convenience.
One side of the candy show off the design imprinted, while the other side remains flat and plain.
3-D molds are the second category.
They're ideal for lollipops.
They make larger shapes compared to the flat molds.
Rather than being totally flat on one side, most 3-D molds produce candies which are larger in depth and shape on all the sides.
Similar to flat molds, these are simple to use too.
Most 3-D molds now feature two pieces.
While a piece stays at the front end, the other one remains at the mold's back.
Just pour candy into a side almost till the top.
Just let your candy become hardened.
Pour your candy into the back end of the mold.
It's ideally at 0.
25 inch lower level than the top.
Allow the candy get harden.
When the candies at the back end gets almost hard, take it off the mold's front side.
Put it on the backside.
While the candy is hardening, both sides of the mold stay together.
You could find different type of molds, actually.
Some molds, for instance are items sold 1-piece items, featuring halves on both sides.
As you can guess, the entire mold folds together.
It's so easy for you to pour the candy in equal sides simultaneously.
You fold the molds in half so both halves come before hardening.
The 3rd category of molds is hollow.
They aren't meant for lollipops, actually.
Rather, they're used primarily for filling the candies' central parts with mouth watering treats like peanut butter.
These are ideal to be used with all sorts of hard candies.
And they're used for chocolates, usually.
As the chocolate gets melted, apply a tiny paint brush to brush the chocolate onto the mold's both sides.
Then put the mold in a refrigerator for cooling down the chocolate fast.
You need to complete this process many times until there's adequate chocolate around the sides of the mold.
Putting it the other way around, you have to make candies that don't allow light to pierce through it.
Set the filling in the mold.
Be sure to cover it with the residual portions of the chocolate.
When the chocolate hardens entirely, cautiously pop the candies off the mold.
If you want to make lollipops, consider going for flat molds.
These molds are perfect if you want to create remarkable shapes (e.
fruits, hearts) to cater guests in special occasions.
Looking up on-line can help.
Also shop in the craft stores or classic cooking shops, so you can find all types of shapes/designs.
Amongst all, flat molds are the simplest ones to utilize and store.
They're the cheapest ones too.
Modern candy molds are made out of different types of materials like plastic, resin and rubber.
These are flat.
Pour some hot candy in the mold.
Let it harden.
Flat molds come with shape of several designs on which you can press in your candy.
This helps you in making numerous candies altogether.
When your candy becomes cool, flip over your mold so the candies just pop out.
Apply a little pressure onto its back for convenience.
One side of the candy show off the design imprinted, while the other side remains flat and plain.
3-D molds are the second category.
They're ideal for lollipops.
They make larger shapes compared to the flat molds.
Rather than being totally flat on one side, most 3-D molds produce candies which are larger in depth and shape on all the sides.
Similar to flat molds, these are simple to use too.
Most 3-D molds now feature two pieces.
While a piece stays at the front end, the other one remains at the mold's back.
Just pour candy into a side almost till the top.
Just let your candy become hardened.
Pour your candy into the back end of the mold.
It's ideally at 0.
25 inch lower level than the top.
Allow the candy get harden.
When the candies at the back end gets almost hard, take it off the mold's front side.
Put it on the backside.
While the candy is hardening, both sides of the mold stay together.
You could find different type of molds, actually.
Some molds, for instance are items sold 1-piece items, featuring halves on both sides.
As you can guess, the entire mold folds together.
It's so easy for you to pour the candy in equal sides simultaneously.
You fold the molds in half so both halves come before hardening.
The 3rd category of molds is hollow.
They aren't meant for lollipops, actually.
Rather, they're used primarily for filling the candies' central parts with mouth watering treats like peanut butter.
These are ideal to be used with all sorts of hard candies.
And they're used for chocolates, usually.
As the chocolate gets melted, apply a tiny paint brush to brush the chocolate onto the mold's both sides.
Then put the mold in a refrigerator for cooling down the chocolate fast.
You need to complete this process many times until there's adequate chocolate around the sides of the mold.
Putting it the other way around, you have to make candies that don't allow light to pierce through it.
Set the filling in the mold.
Be sure to cover it with the residual portions of the chocolate.
When the chocolate hardens entirely, cautiously pop the candies off the mold.