- 1). Disconnect the battery, and secure the cables away from the battery posts.
- 2). Unplug all spark plug wires from the distributor cap.
- 3). Remove the coil wire, the tachometer wire and the lead ignition wire from the coil. Set the lead ignition wire aside, and label it if necessary. Pop off the distributor cap. Remove the rotor, then use a screwdriver to remove the coil from the firewall.
- 4). Unbolt the bracket that holds the distributor in place. It is located on the intake manifold. Remove the bracket, then slide the distributor shaft out of the engine.
- 1). Install the electronic distributor by sliding it into the hole, with the rotor pointing toward the number one cylinder (front left). Bolt the bracket back into place, but do not tighten completely.
- 2). Mount the electronic ignition control box to the Nova's firewall.
- 3). Find the lead ignition wire that was once plugged into the coil, and plug it into the control box. For certain models, you will need to wire a power supply from either the fuse block or the battery to power the control box as well. Consult the manufacturer's instructions.
- 4). Connect the main control wire from the ignition box to the slot underneath the rim of the distributor. Reattach the distributor cap, and replace spark plug wires in the proper firing order for a Chevy V-8: 1-8-6-3-5-7-2.
- 5). Reconnect the battery. Start the engine, and set the timing with the timing light. Though the setting varies by engine set-up, 12 degrees before top dead center is the factory specification.