Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Hedi Alavi, the question is spinning muscle recruitment drills. So in spinning we incorporate drills in order to strengthen and tweak the pedal stroke to perfection to equality and make sure we are pedaling evenly with the left and right leg in each part of the pedal stroke. One of the drills that I like to incorporate in my classes is the four point circle. So you start with pulling the knees up, you focus on pulling the knees up into your chest and then you shift the focus to pushing the feet forward in front of you and then you shift the focus again to pushing the heels down the ball of the feet driving the pedal stroke down towards the floor. And then the fourth one is pulling the heels back, kind of like you are scraping the mud off the bottom of your shoes and then once you are done focusing 30 seconds in each drill, we put it together, slowly, slowly to incorporate and make a full smooth circle evenly all the way around the pedal stroke.