IN REACH- Going Deeper into the Congregation 1 One of the challenges some Churches face today is that there are those inside who have not been reached.
Many plan for outreaches to increase membership; however, it's important to also look closely at diligently reaching people within the Church.
This is very important because if neglected, there will be a high number of 'disconnected members' - people that exist, but are not known by the Pastor, not active in the cell system, and don't have a sense of belonging to any of the Church's system or structures.
They will only attend services at will, and when they don't, no one knows.
Pick a certain period to find out those who are not in the cell system or departments.
Meet with them specially and relate with them.
This is important because you need more people to join in the work.
Everyone God has brought to you is important in accomplishing the work.
He gives gifts to men according to His will; this means that there are potential abilities in them, deposited by God for the work of the ministry, so diligently look out for them and make them active workers in the house.
IN REACH- Going Deeper into the Congregation 2 How do you respond when you learn that a particular member who had been committed and regular in attending services and meetings stopped coming to Church; or is having some serious challenges that's keeping him or her away?Your first reaction is to pray for that person; but don't stop there, contact the person personally on the phone, or schedule a meeting.
Don't wait till people who fall into this category become so many that it will be difficult for you to handle, and you'll have to fully delegate it.
Don't take it lightly because this is one of your very important pastoral responsibilities.
I remember once meeting a man who had stopped coming to Church for a while.
When I asked him why he hadn't been coming, he said 'God told me not to come to this church again'.
I asked him if there was any record in the Bible where the people were the ones who bore the message to the Prophet; he replied 'no'.
I then taught him extensively from the Scriptures, and showed him how he was misled by his mind, which needed to be renewed in some areas.
Since that day, he remained in Church.
A Pastor must get personal; he must be able to reach the members of the Church, talk with them and provide solution to them from the Word of God.
To be successful as a pastor, you must be involved in watching the flock, and should be an example to the leaders.
As you function this way, you would have raised leaders like you that will approach such situation just the way you do.
Many plan for outreaches to increase membership; however, it's important to also look closely at diligently reaching people within the Church.
This is very important because if neglected, there will be a high number of 'disconnected members' - people that exist, but are not known by the Pastor, not active in the cell system, and don't have a sense of belonging to any of the Church's system or structures.
They will only attend services at will, and when they don't, no one knows.
Pick a certain period to find out those who are not in the cell system or departments.
Meet with them specially and relate with them.
This is important because you need more people to join in the work.
Everyone God has brought to you is important in accomplishing the work.
He gives gifts to men according to His will; this means that there are potential abilities in them, deposited by God for the work of the ministry, so diligently look out for them and make them active workers in the house.
IN REACH- Going Deeper into the Congregation 2 How do you respond when you learn that a particular member who had been committed and regular in attending services and meetings stopped coming to Church; or is having some serious challenges that's keeping him or her away?Your first reaction is to pray for that person; but don't stop there, contact the person personally on the phone, or schedule a meeting.
Don't wait till people who fall into this category become so many that it will be difficult for you to handle, and you'll have to fully delegate it.
Don't take it lightly because this is one of your very important pastoral responsibilities.
I remember once meeting a man who had stopped coming to Church for a while.
When I asked him why he hadn't been coming, he said 'God told me not to come to this church again'.
I asked him if there was any record in the Bible where the people were the ones who bore the message to the Prophet; he replied 'no'.
I then taught him extensively from the Scriptures, and showed him how he was misled by his mind, which needed to be renewed in some areas.
Since that day, he remained in Church.
A Pastor must get personal; he must be able to reach the members of the Church, talk with them and provide solution to them from the Word of God.
To be successful as a pastor, you must be involved in watching the flock, and should be an example to the leaders.
As you function this way, you would have raised leaders like you that will approach such situation just the way you do.