Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Personal Trainer Says: Your Mirror Is Making You Fat

Hey there, Last week in my boot camp, someone mentioned -I can't remember who now, but they commented on how fat they looked.
Of course, my initial reaction was, "You're crazy!" -and I say this because I know that NO ONE in my class is overweight, they just haven't reached the level of superhero-dom YET! But then, something strange happened?as I looked closer at the studio mirrors I noticed that I looked fat, in fact everyone in the studio looked larger than they actually were.
That's when it hit me that the mirrors were all like in those funny distorted mirrors at theme parks.
When you're a kid those mirrors mucked about our view of anything we put in front of them.
They made us look tall or short or fat or thin, and it was hella fun because we knew it was a trick.
In your 20s, 30s and 40s the jig is up and it's not so funny anymore.
It really got me thinking that most of us have these completely messed up images of ourselves in our heads, and these thoughts quickly become what we believe to be true.
If the "fat mirror" in your head makes you look fat, then it must be true.
Want to see a quick example.
Turn to someone you know and tell them, "You look great, have you lost some weight?" Almost instinctively, they will shudder and say either "Are you kidding, I need to lose x amount more," or "You really think so?"It doesn't matter how much weight you lose, or how many people tell you how good you look.
The only thing that reflects back from your fat mirror is, you guessed it "I'm fat.
" Anybody want to buy a "Skinny Mirror?" Of course you do, who wouldn't! First things first, you need to give the old heave ho to the "Fat Mirror.
" You need to get rid of all the "I'm fat" or "I'm never going to lose this weight" or "Who do I think I am, I can't lose that much weight" toxic waste running through our head? Your thoughts may not make you fat, but they sure as hell want to keep you there.
If your thought is "I'm fat," than it's also true that YOU can BE SKINNY? Probably, right? What if you gave yourself permission to be who you want to be? What if you tried to replace that little nagging voice with something less intimidating like, "I can do just a minute of this.
" Why not? What do you have to lose? I know this is some freaky new age mumbo, and it totally feels like swimming naked hoping you don't get caught.
It's a small thing really, you don't have to try to and paint a whole picture today, all I'm saying is maybe you can try a different canvas and start fresh! This week I challenge you to go ahead and accept yourself just the way you are?Yep, that means love the rolls, the muffin top, the buddha belly all of your perfect self.
For one whole week, take out a sticky note and right on it some of these positive affirmations below.
That's it! Stick it on your bathroom mirror and repeat them brushing your teeth, trying on your new skirt, whatever.
*I'm am my perfect self *I am thinner today * I look major hot today * Losing weight is so easy for me * My ass looks fantastic * I am losing weight slowly but surely * I'm fine like a ticket on a dash * I am on the road to great health and a great looking body * I am proud of myself for not getting the skinny tall latte with a shot of hazelnut today * I love how I feel after running * I love the feeling of being slim and sexy * I am ready to be thin again * It feels so good to have a toned body and healthy body * I have tons of energy to work out * My health is extremely important to me * Taking care of myself gives me great confidence * I am committed to doing what it takes to become slim and healthy * I deserve to be healthy in body and in mind * The best form of self love I can give myself is exercise * I enjoy life when I am in good shape Because skinny women and guys built like Mike "The Situation" are seen as the ideal in our society and because we have come to believe that body size and shape are totally under a person's control, most people enter diet and exercise programs with the bar set so high that you set yourself to fail from the get-go.
The whole lose 10 pounds in 2 days mentality.
It just doesn't work.
If you continually strive to achieve Jennifer Lopez's butt, or Kim Kardashian sinewy curves, the problem is two-fold.
One, you will never be free of your insecurities or your self-consciousness.
Secondly, you are not those women.
You're you! The idea is that you pump some mental brain iron and act accordingly, then you can really look in the mirror and say "Yes, I'm skinny!" and mean it.
Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and it would mean the world to me if you could pass this on to your family and friends? I'm sure they'll appreciate it too.
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