- 1). Launch a web browser.
- 2). Navigate to the Linksys administrative page. The default address is for all Linksys routers.
- 3). Enter the username and password for the Linksys router. Unless you have configured the device with other settings, the default username should be left blank and the default password is "admin."
- 4). Select "Applications and Gaming."
- 5). Enter the name of the application for which you wish to set up forwarding and the port range that needs to be forwarded.
- 6). Enter the current IP address of your computer. You can find this information by launching a Command Prompt (press "Win + R" and "enter cmd" and then click "OK") and executing the command "ipconfig".
- 7). Check enable for the port forwarding rules you wish to institute and click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the screen to reboot the router.
- 8). Visit a port forwarding check tool to determine if you set up the rules correctly (see Resources).