The two factors, as we mentioned, are linked by an opposition, which
suggests some kind of tension or tug-of-war between them. You are
asked to adjust your position, to adapt to the demands of the world
around you, and to find a middle-ground between the various opposing
needs and values.
If you happen to have a cold on the day you win the lottery, will
that taint your memory of the big event? Probably not. Ten years
later, you will have forgotten your runny nose. Ten minutes later,
more likely.
Life and memory work that way. We prioritize certain kinds of
events, experiencing them more vividly and remembering them far
longer than the trivial and the predictable. The details of a
typical Monday morning aren't going to last as long in the memory
banks as images of your moment of glory or your darkest hour.
In exactly the same way, not all astrological events have the same
impact. What we have considered so far are all first-string
milestones in your life. The rest of what we'll be considering is
less central -- but that's not to say unimportant. What follows is a
set of supplementary transits and progressions, presented
chronologically. They're not quite as profound in their implications
as what we've seen, but they're not without emotional and
existential consequences. If what we have explored in the previous
pages can be viewed as an evolutionary invitation, then, to that
lofty end, what follows is....
"The Means"
As you'll see, each of these events stands as significant in its own
right. But their deepest meanings lie in the way they interact with
what we've considered in the pages above, enhancing and sometimes
complicating the broader developmental patterns.
Cards on the table: you can skim the next several pages and, I
think, learn some things about the coming months that will prove
prophetic...and more importantly, helpful. But the real magic lies
in putting all the pieces together, synthesizing them in your heart
into an emotional whole -- just like you've done with, say, memories
of a special summer long ago. No computer can do that for you.
Your own creativity, your own reflections on the material we're
covering, your own translations, additions, corrections, amendments,
and meditations -- these are what make the difference.
Pluto made an appearance earlier in this report, but now it has
another message for you. Always this planet signals the existence of
some emotional baggage to be released, some hurtful or humiliating
piece of your personal history that needs to be remembered or
reconsidered. The alternative is typically to re-enact some old
wounding drama. Pluto currently trines your natal Sun. The action
peaks January 30, 2011; June 22, 2011; December 3, 2011.
Currently Pluto is navigating familiar territory -- your Eleventh
House, which we discussed earlier. This, to refresh your memory, is
the house of group dynamics, tying your personal affairs to larger
developments involving organizations or coalitions -- your "friends"
in the widest sense. To make the right moves, you'll need to know
exactly what you want. Those desires, just to help you separate the
wheat from all the chaff, are now in the spirit and direction of
Pluto, as we described it above. Getting what you want is the
difficulty, as is generally the case in life. In the present
environment, to succeed you'll need to form strategic alliances,
often with people of the nature of Pluto. However, the core issue --
the part of your life that's at stake here -- is represented by the
Sun, which is being invited into development during this time of the
joining of destinies.
The Sun, as astronomers tell us, is the center of the solar system.
Everything spins around it. With its enormous gravity, the Sun holds
the entire system together. In a parallel way, the astrological Sun
represents the gravitational center of your personality. Your ego.
Your identity. The part of you that gets up in the morning and,
without even a single sip of coffee, knows its name, rank, and
serial number. Those same astronomers inform us that without the
Sun's radiant energy, life as we understand it would cease to exist.
Again, astrological meaning follows astronomical fact: the Sun
symbolizes that spark of life inside you, your elemental vitality.
Enthusiasm, energy, recuperative powers -- all these are solar
themes. Thus, when the natal Sun is triggered in an important way,
two critical questions come up for review: who are you, and what
really makes you want to get out of bed in the morning?
Your Seventh House occupied our thoughts earlier in these pages; now
we see it triggered again, suggesting that at the center of the
circumstances we're considering there exists a fundamental
inter-dependency: what you must do, you cannot do alone. A pair of
ideas figure here: The first is that by emphasizing the spirit of
the Sun in your closest relationships, you improve them. The second
is that your natural partners are themselves people of the nature of
the Sun, and that should help you recognize them.
suggests some kind of tension or tug-of-war between them. You are
asked to adjust your position, to adapt to the demands of the world
around you, and to find a middle-ground between the various opposing
needs and values.
If you happen to have a cold on the day you win the lottery, will
that taint your memory of the big event? Probably not. Ten years
later, you will have forgotten your runny nose. Ten minutes later,
more likely.
Life and memory work that way. We prioritize certain kinds of
events, experiencing them more vividly and remembering them far
longer than the trivial and the predictable. The details of a
typical Monday morning aren't going to last as long in the memory
banks as images of your moment of glory or your darkest hour.
In exactly the same way, not all astrological events have the same
impact. What we have considered so far are all first-string
milestones in your life. The rest of what we'll be considering is
less central -- but that's not to say unimportant. What follows is a
set of supplementary transits and progressions, presented
chronologically. They're not quite as profound in their implications
as what we've seen, but they're not without emotional and
existential consequences. If what we have explored in the previous
pages can be viewed as an evolutionary invitation, then, to that
lofty end, what follows is....
"The Means"
As you'll see, each of these events stands as significant in its own
right. But their deepest meanings lie in the way they interact with
what we've considered in the pages above, enhancing and sometimes
complicating the broader developmental patterns.
Cards on the table: you can skim the next several pages and, I
think, learn some things about the coming months that will prove
prophetic...and more importantly, helpful. But the real magic lies
in putting all the pieces together, synthesizing them in your heart
into an emotional whole -- just like you've done with, say, memories
of a special summer long ago. No computer can do that for you.
Your own creativity, your own reflections on the material we're
covering, your own translations, additions, corrections, amendments,
and meditations -- these are what make the difference.
Pluto made an appearance earlier in this report, but now it has
another message for you. Always this planet signals the existence of
some emotional baggage to be released, some hurtful or humiliating
piece of your personal history that needs to be remembered or
reconsidered. The alternative is typically to re-enact some old
wounding drama. Pluto currently trines your natal Sun. The action
peaks January 30, 2011; June 22, 2011; December 3, 2011.
Currently Pluto is navigating familiar territory -- your Eleventh
House, which we discussed earlier. This, to refresh your memory, is
the house of group dynamics, tying your personal affairs to larger
developments involving organizations or coalitions -- your "friends"
in the widest sense. To make the right moves, you'll need to know
exactly what you want. Those desires, just to help you separate the
wheat from all the chaff, are now in the spirit and direction of
Pluto, as we described it above. Getting what you want is the
difficulty, as is generally the case in life. In the present
environment, to succeed you'll need to form strategic alliances,
often with people of the nature of Pluto. However, the core issue --
the part of your life that's at stake here -- is represented by the
Sun, which is being invited into development during this time of the
joining of destinies.
The Sun, as astronomers tell us, is the center of the solar system.
Everything spins around it. With its enormous gravity, the Sun holds
the entire system together. In a parallel way, the astrological Sun
represents the gravitational center of your personality. Your ego.
Your identity. The part of you that gets up in the morning and,
without even a single sip of coffee, knows its name, rank, and
serial number. Those same astronomers inform us that without the
Sun's radiant energy, life as we understand it would cease to exist.
Again, astrological meaning follows astronomical fact: the Sun
symbolizes that spark of life inside you, your elemental vitality.
Enthusiasm, energy, recuperative powers -- all these are solar
themes. Thus, when the natal Sun is triggered in an important way,
two critical questions come up for review: who are you, and what
really makes you want to get out of bed in the morning?
Your Seventh House occupied our thoughts earlier in these pages; now
we see it triggered again, suggesting that at the center of the
circumstances we're considering there exists a fundamental
inter-dependency: what you must do, you cannot do alone. A pair of
ideas figure here: The first is that by emphasizing the spirit of
the Sun in your closest relationships, you improve them. The second
is that your natural partners are themselves people of the nature of
the Sun, and that should help you recognize them.