- eBay stores have fixed insertion fees of 3, 5 or 20 cents, depending on store level. Without a store, sellers pay insertion fees based on the starting or reserve prices of auctions. Often, these fees are higher than the fixed fees for store owners. Store owners also insert pictures into their auctions for free.
- Store owners incur monthly fees depending on their store level. As of August 2010, a basic eBay store costs $15.95 a month while a premium store runs $49.95 a month. High-volume sellers who need more features pay $299.95 for anchor stores.
- Do the math before opening an eBay store. High-volume sellers may find the saving in insertion fees alone provides enough money to pay the monthly store fees. For others, the increased exposure and sales are worth the monthly costs. But the occasional or light eBay seller will probably be better off avoiding monthly fees.
eBay Stores Save on Insertion Fees
eBay Stores Are Not Free
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