If you are like most people, you have a natural degree of self-motivation. You are motivated enough to look for a good job and work hard at it. Apart from that, you may not be all that motivated because you have not needed to be. But when you want more than that, and your success development becomes critcial, you have to be able to lift your motivation. That's when self-motivation strategies become essential.
Here are some events that can trigger the need for you to take positive action on your success development:
1. You have lost your job in the economic downturn.
2. You have reached a dead end at your job or have been by-passed for promotion.
3. You have reached an age when it is difficult to get jobs over younger people.
These are the times when life can become most difficult. You can suffer from loss of confidence, loss of faith and, worst of all, loss of hope. They are times when you may need to pull on all your resources - your family, friends and social networks - but, mostly, you have to fall back on your own resources and strengths. If you do not know how to do this, you are in danger of becoming disheartened and losing the will to work you way out of your situation. The way up from there can be very hard indeed.
Here are some tried and proven self-motivation strategies:
* Have a belief system. This may be self-belief or religious belief. If you have a spiritual belief, which is constant and unchanging, you can fall back on this for strength and support. It will supply two key ingredients to help you look beyond your present problems: faith and hope. This is essential if you are going to pull through the hard times with your self-worth intact.
* Feed your mind with the right food. This can be done in many ways. You can carry cards with positive affirmations, read inspirational books or watch films or videos about people who have had to overcome great challenges. If you have supportive people around you, draw on them. Mix with positive people. If you are a spiritual person, spend time in prayer and reflection. This will remind you there is a higher purpose and life is not all about your present situation, and you are loved unconditionally.
* Take action. Take action in all the areas of your life by working on your job situation; staying healthy by exercising and watching your diet; developing outside interests. Don't drop out of life, but face it full on and chase those fears and misgivings away. Pursue those activities you are good at, as this will help your self-esteem and improve motivation.
Regardless of how well supported you are by family and friends, in the end you do need to be able to find ways to motivate yourself if you are going to get through tough times. You can use self-motivation strategies to get you through tough times and to get you through the rest of your life.
Here are some events that can trigger the need for you to take positive action on your success development:
1. You have lost your job in the economic downturn.
2. You have reached a dead end at your job or have been by-passed for promotion.
3. You have reached an age when it is difficult to get jobs over younger people.
These are the times when life can become most difficult. You can suffer from loss of confidence, loss of faith and, worst of all, loss of hope. They are times when you may need to pull on all your resources - your family, friends and social networks - but, mostly, you have to fall back on your own resources and strengths. If you do not know how to do this, you are in danger of becoming disheartened and losing the will to work you way out of your situation. The way up from there can be very hard indeed.
Here are some tried and proven self-motivation strategies:
* Have a belief system. This may be self-belief or religious belief. If you have a spiritual belief, which is constant and unchanging, you can fall back on this for strength and support. It will supply two key ingredients to help you look beyond your present problems: faith and hope. This is essential if you are going to pull through the hard times with your self-worth intact.
* Feed your mind with the right food. This can be done in many ways. You can carry cards with positive affirmations, read inspirational books or watch films or videos about people who have had to overcome great challenges. If you have supportive people around you, draw on them. Mix with positive people. If you are a spiritual person, spend time in prayer and reflection. This will remind you there is a higher purpose and life is not all about your present situation, and you are loved unconditionally.
* Take action. Take action in all the areas of your life by working on your job situation; staying healthy by exercising and watching your diet; developing outside interests. Don't drop out of life, but face it full on and chase those fears and misgivings away. Pursue those activities you are good at, as this will help your self-esteem and improve motivation.
Regardless of how well supported you are by family and friends, in the end you do need to be able to find ways to motivate yourself if you are going to get through tough times. You can use self-motivation strategies to get you through tough times and to get you through the rest of your life.