- The master bedroom is the most personal room in the house. As such, you should concentrate on making it warm and comfortable. After a busy day, the room in which you retire should provide a haven of tranquility so that you can rest and sleep adequately. Allow yourself to choose colors and styles that you love. Take time to find compromises if you share the room with a mate. Neutral tones tend to be universally acceptable. Soft, earthy colors also are easy to match and accessorize.
- Start with one piece. If you find a bedspread that has all the warmth, cheeriness and color that you want in the room, then match paint, window treatments and floor coverings to that. If the curtains are the first things that you've discovered, match the rest of the room to them. Hardwood floors provide an easy palette from which to work, opening up the possibility that a rug may be your first purchase. Paint the walls in tones that are subtle, yet complement the design or color scheme of your cornerstone piece.
- Consider the size of the room as you begin to shop for furniture for the master bedroom. If you have unlimited space, look for a bedroom suite that comes with a number of pieces, such as an armoire or matching desk and dressing table in addition to a chest and dresser. Shop with measurements in hand so that you don't purchase too many pieces for the space. Place the bed so that it's facing the door to ensure a good restful sleep. Leave space to walk around the room in the dark without bumping into hard edges. Platform beds or canopies are better choices for smaller rooms. Consider just using a headboard to eliminate hard edges at the foot of the bed.
- Be realistic when looking at night tables so that you have enough room for the necessities first. Things such as a light, an alarm clock, your book and a drink may be there every night in your peaceful haven. Don't clutter it up with knick-knacks if they crowd the space. Instead, look for shelves on which to place those special items you want to look at as you drift off. Keep the room free of clutter to allow your mind to be serene. Choose only those pictures and paintings that bring peaceful feelings to the fore when you look at them. While you may follow a decorator's suggestions or choose an entire bedroom look you've admired in a magazine, make sure that the master bedroom evokes calm.
A Haven