- 1). Draw a car design of your choice onto a 6-inch by 2.5-inch by 1.5-inch pinewood block. Use a pencil as the marks will be erased when you sand down the wood.
- 2). Cut the design out of the block using a jigsaw.
- 3). Drill a ¼-inch hole in the front of the car and the back of the car where you want the tires to go.
- 4). Sand the wooden car using different grades of sandpaper until the small wooden car is completely smooth.
- 5). Paint the car with spray paint using whatever colors you want for the car. Let the paint dry for at least an hour before continuing.
- 6). Insert a ¼-inch metal rod that is 3-inches long into each of the holes drilled in the front and back of the car.
- 7). Attach a plastic pinewood racer wheel to each end of the metal rods sticking out of the car. Both the metal rods and plastic wheels can be purchased online or at your local hobby shop.