Everyone deserves a little more fun in their lives.
Now you can share the fun by adding fun plugins to your WordPress website.
Just because they are fun does not mean they are not useful or functional, these can make your website easier for your readers and shares the fun with them.
FlippingBook WordPress Gallery There are plenty of WordPress Photo Gallery plugins available.
FlippingBook is different.
It has the look and the sounds of flipping pages of a coffee book.
Allow your readers to flip through the pages.
WP Tagnetic With each post and page you create you can add tags.
These allow your readers to find related posts easier especially when you add the tag cloud widget to your sidebar.
This plugin changes that standard boring list into a "magnetic poetry.
" Just like the magnetic words of a few years ago you can rearrange the words or click on them to go to the related posts.
WP Cumulus From the same creators as WP Tagnetic is WP Cumulus.
Now your tag cloud can be like a 3D word cloud.
Your readers can spin the ball of words, find the one they want and click on it.
The ball rotates in all directions and allows you to color code to match your site.
Sketch Bookmarks You can get plugins with all the social media icons which makes for a long and confusing list.
Alternately you could get this plugin.
It only uses 6 social icons but the design looks sketched adding a nice appearance to your WordPress website.
You can also choose to include all or some of the icons.
Admin Favicon Some websites have a cool icon next to their name on the browser tab.
That icon is called a favicon.
Programmers and hackers have been able to add favicons to their sites with just a few lines of code.
This WordPress plugin makes it even simpler and allows anyone to upload, add or change their favicon with a few clicks.
CommentLuv You want your readers to comment on your posts.
This plugin encourages that and adds love for your commentators and love for your post.
For your post, you get a little heart that says you love your commentators.
You commentators get that love because when they comment your blog shows their latest post.
Post Teaser Rather than show your posts from start to finish on your front page, this allows your page to show just a paragraph.
The problem with the normal fashion is that your front page may only show a few posts and depending on the length, can take a awhile to look through them.
With this one showing the first paragraph your readers can click the "more" button to read more of that post or keep looking.
Now you can share the fun by adding fun plugins to your WordPress website.
Just because they are fun does not mean they are not useful or functional, these can make your website easier for your readers and shares the fun with them.
FlippingBook WordPress Gallery There are plenty of WordPress Photo Gallery plugins available.
FlippingBook is different.
It has the look and the sounds of flipping pages of a coffee book.
Allow your readers to flip through the pages.
WP Tagnetic With each post and page you create you can add tags.
These allow your readers to find related posts easier especially when you add the tag cloud widget to your sidebar.
This plugin changes that standard boring list into a "magnetic poetry.
" Just like the magnetic words of a few years ago you can rearrange the words or click on them to go to the related posts.
WP Cumulus From the same creators as WP Tagnetic is WP Cumulus.
Now your tag cloud can be like a 3D word cloud.
Your readers can spin the ball of words, find the one they want and click on it.
The ball rotates in all directions and allows you to color code to match your site.
Sketch Bookmarks You can get plugins with all the social media icons which makes for a long and confusing list.
Alternately you could get this plugin.
It only uses 6 social icons but the design looks sketched adding a nice appearance to your WordPress website.
You can also choose to include all or some of the icons.
Admin Favicon Some websites have a cool icon next to their name on the browser tab.
That icon is called a favicon.
Programmers and hackers have been able to add favicons to their sites with just a few lines of code.
This WordPress plugin makes it even simpler and allows anyone to upload, add or change their favicon with a few clicks.
CommentLuv You want your readers to comment on your posts.
This plugin encourages that and adds love for your commentators and love for your post.
For your post, you get a little heart that says you love your commentators.
You commentators get that love because when they comment your blog shows their latest post.
Post Teaser Rather than show your posts from start to finish on your front page, this allows your page to show just a paragraph.
The problem with the normal fashion is that your front page may only show a few posts and depending on the length, can take a awhile to look through them.
With this one showing the first paragraph your readers can click the "more" button to read more of that post or keep looking.