Hello again everyone, This time I'm going to be a little more specific on my subjects of discussion.
Rather than take a general look, I would like to tell you exactly how different foods and nutrients can have a more direct effect on each and every part of your body, Let's take your heart.
The strongest single muscle in the human body.
What can you do to keep it healthy? First, eat a heart healthy diet.
Low fat dairy products,lean meats,whole grain breads,a variety of fruits and vegetables, get fats from fish and nuts, use herb seasonings or pepper instead of salt and most important you have to keep your portions in proportion.
Don't over eat if possible.
Now if I may get a little more technical you can break down the fatty fish into the( proven to help with heart disease) omega 3 fatty acids.
Also, foods high in C,E and Beta Carotene are good.
There are many nutrients proven to help the heart.
You will find a list in thebook by Douglas Grant called Natural Cures.
You can get a copy at our website if you would like.
One of the most important ways to control heart disease is to get regular, blood pumping exercise every day.
It gets all the nutrients and oxygen to all of your body along with the fact that you are strengthening your heart as well.
Next time I'll get into the causes and preventions of hypertension and high blood pressure.
Until then, eat smart,exercise and stay away from tobacco products and excessive alcohol use.
You will feel the difference.
Good Health To You, R.
Rather than take a general look, I would like to tell you exactly how different foods and nutrients can have a more direct effect on each and every part of your body, Let's take your heart.
The strongest single muscle in the human body.
What can you do to keep it healthy? First, eat a heart healthy diet.
Low fat dairy products,lean meats,whole grain breads,a variety of fruits and vegetables, get fats from fish and nuts, use herb seasonings or pepper instead of salt and most important you have to keep your portions in proportion.
Don't over eat if possible.
Now if I may get a little more technical you can break down the fatty fish into the( proven to help with heart disease) omega 3 fatty acids.
Also, foods high in C,E and Beta Carotene are good.
There are many nutrients proven to help the heart.
You will find a list in thebook by Douglas Grant called Natural Cures.
You can get a copy at our website if you would like.
One of the most important ways to control heart disease is to get regular, blood pumping exercise every day.
It gets all the nutrients and oxygen to all of your body along with the fact that you are strengthening your heart as well.
Next time I'll get into the causes and preventions of hypertension and high blood pressure.
Until then, eat smart,exercise and stay away from tobacco products and excessive alcohol use.
You will feel the difference.
Good Health To You, R.