Burning fat from your midsection can be a very tedious task. Your body stores the fat in the midsection as part of its survival instinct to cope up with harsh times. As a result of this, it might sometimes seem quite impossible to get lean where it matters. But, there is always a way out!! The secret to shed those extra pounds lies in tricking your body to burn the fat off your midsection.
Watch what you eat
Always remember that keeping track of what you eat will go a long way in toning that midsection of yours. Keep notes of what you are eating for an entire day. Avoid having fried foods, junk foods and carbonated drinks as much as you can. Make an effort to include healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Eat slowly to avoid over-eating. This way you will be satisfied with fewer amounts of calories.
Curb your Carbohydrate intake
Cutting back on your carbohydrate intake goes hand in hand with your dream of a flatter midsection. Through a process known as de novo lipogenesis, your body converts the carbohydrates directly into fat and thus increases fat storage in your body. Make it a point to replace the carbohydrate in your diet with lean protein (chicken, turkey) and fibres.
Fiber makes you feel full sooner and stays in your stomach for a longer period of time. As you feel full, you do not have craving for more food for a longer period of time. This helps keep you in shape. Incorporating fiber in your diet not only keeps you fit and slim, but also makes you healthy by reducing chances of stroke and heart diseases.
Plan your Meals
Planning your meal beforehand lets you avoid over indulgence. Make an earnest attempt to refrain from having big meals. Always try and eat several small meals a day with an interval of two to three hours between them. You can also have a snack in between the meals. Choose healthier alternatives of snacks that are low in calories and fats and high in fibre like apricots, nuts, fruits and baby tomatoes. Also make it a habit to eat sparingly at dinner.
Proper Exercise
Incorporating proper and regular exercise into your daily regimen helps a great deal in burning that stubborn fat off your midsection for good. Exercising aids in burning the extra calories and keeps you slim and fit. You should keep in mind that in order to burn fat from your midsection, you have to burn fat overall. It is impossible to concentrate all the efforts in just one place. Try to include about 30 minutes of aerobic activities like brisk walking, cycling or swimming into your schedule. Resistance training or weight training also helps you to stay lean by building muscle and raising your metabolism rate. Even including your favourite outdoor activity like a game of soccer or baseball at least 2 or 3 times a week will go a long way in materializing your dream of a fat free midsection.
Drink plenty of water
Drinking adequate amounts of water is of paramount importance in regards to your good health. If you do not drink enough water, your body may be dehydrated and may start to retain water. Water retention by the body will make you look fatter than you really are.
Also, drinking a glass of water before a meal keeps you from over €" eating. It also aids in the process of your digestion.
Watch what you eat
Always remember that keeping track of what you eat will go a long way in toning that midsection of yours. Keep notes of what you are eating for an entire day. Avoid having fried foods, junk foods and carbonated drinks as much as you can. Make an effort to include healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Eat slowly to avoid over-eating. This way you will be satisfied with fewer amounts of calories.
Curb your Carbohydrate intake
Cutting back on your carbohydrate intake goes hand in hand with your dream of a flatter midsection. Through a process known as de novo lipogenesis, your body converts the carbohydrates directly into fat and thus increases fat storage in your body. Make it a point to replace the carbohydrate in your diet with lean protein (chicken, turkey) and fibres.
Fiber makes you feel full sooner and stays in your stomach for a longer period of time. As you feel full, you do not have craving for more food for a longer period of time. This helps keep you in shape. Incorporating fiber in your diet not only keeps you fit and slim, but also makes you healthy by reducing chances of stroke and heart diseases.
Plan your Meals
Planning your meal beforehand lets you avoid over indulgence. Make an earnest attempt to refrain from having big meals. Always try and eat several small meals a day with an interval of two to three hours between them. You can also have a snack in between the meals. Choose healthier alternatives of snacks that are low in calories and fats and high in fibre like apricots, nuts, fruits and baby tomatoes. Also make it a habit to eat sparingly at dinner.
Proper Exercise
Incorporating proper and regular exercise into your daily regimen helps a great deal in burning that stubborn fat off your midsection for good. Exercising aids in burning the extra calories and keeps you slim and fit. You should keep in mind that in order to burn fat from your midsection, you have to burn fat overall. It is impossible to concentrate all the efforts in just one place. Try to include about 30 minutes of aerobic activities like brisk walking, cycling or swimming into your schedule. Resistance training or weight training also helps you to stay lean by building muscle and raising your metabolism rate. Even including your favourite outdoor activity like a game of soccer or baseball at least 2 or 3 times a week will go a long way in materializing your dream of a fat free midsection.
Drink plenty of water
Drinking adequate amounts of water is of paramount importance in regards to your good health. If you do not drink enough water, your body may be dehydrated and may start to retain water. Water retention by the body will make you look fatter than you really are.
Also, drinking a glass of water before a meal keeps you from over €" eating. It also aids in the process of your digestion.