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Put a notebook and pen next to your bed to create a dream journal.journal and fountain pen image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
Remembering the content of your dreams will lead to an increase of awareness during your dreams. Use your notebook as a dream journal. Keep the journal and pen at your bedside. When you wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed, write down as much detail as you can remember about your dreams. - 2). Use your dream journal to identify common elements within your dreams. Pay special attention to objects or activities that recur in your dreams. Note those recurrences that are also frequent in your waking life. Make a list of these objects and activities in your dream journal. This will be your trigger list.
- 3). Start building an awareness of the items on your trigger list during your waking life. When you notice an item from your trigger list during your day, ask yourself, "Am I awake?" For instance, if one of the items on your trigger list is "brushing hair," then every time you brush your hair, ask yourself, "Am I awake?" By developing this habit, you will begin to start asking yourself if you are awake during your dreams as well, and this will trigger the state of lucid dreaming.
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Use an alarm clock to wake you briefly during the night.alarm clock image by siloto from Fotolia.com
Experience a lucid dream during the fourth and fifth REM (rapid eye movement) phases of your sleep cycle, when it is most likely to occur. Your REM phases happen roughly every 90 minutes. Increase your awareness during one of your REM states by setting an alarm clock to wake you after 6 hours of sleep. When your alarm sounds, turn the alarm off and immediately return to sleep. Do not get out of bed. - 5). Perform a reality check during your dream. If you find that you have woken up during your dream, you may be lucid dreaming. Look for inconsistencies in your dream world. Do the clocks move or are they static? Do the words on signs change? Does your dog speak English? Performing a reality check can help you direct the course of your dream.