From the producers of Super Bad and Knocked Up comes a hilarious wedding comedy Bridesmaids. When I first saw the name of this movie, I was not to keen to watch I as I guessed it would be another fail chic flick like 27 dresses or Maid of Honor. I changed my mind and decided to watch it after I saw who the producer was. After all, Super Bad and Knocked Up were the funniest movies of the year they were released in. After watching the film, I can easily claim that Bridesmaids was funnier than both Super Bad and Knocked Up and most definitely the most hilarious release of this year (dont forget Hangover 2 is yet to be released, though). Bridesmaids is a war between two women- one the maid of honor and the other the brides new best friend to throw the bride the best wedding possible. The protagonist (maid of honor) is going through a life time low and it doesnt help that the brides best friend is better than her at event planning and wedding planning. In fact, she has a lot of free time and a lot of money to plan events on a grand scale making the maid of honor look very stupid in comparison. For example, in one of the best and grandest event planning scenes in the movie, the protagonist arrives at the bachelorette party to see the event planned so luxuriously that she was served pink lemonade on entering the grand event and as a good bye present to all the ladies, little puppies were being given out. Also, the cookie was one big heart shaped monument and chocolate fondues were served in a life sized fountain. Needless to say, our poor protagonist was shocked and got too drunk and destroyed the whole set up! In comparison, when the protagonist does her share of event planning in the beginning of the movie and organizes an event where all the bridesmaids can go to lunch. The food ends up being bad and all the bridesmaids end up with food poisoning while wearing fancy dresses from the wedding dresses store! In one of the most shockingly disgusting but hilarious scenes of the film, three of the bridesmaids race to the bathroom at the same time where one pukes in the toilet, the other poops in the sink and the third one rushes in only to puke on top of the head of the one already puking in the toilet! Watch the movie for more funny scenes and the result for this battle between the bridesmaids!