Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Know When to Replace Your Tires

When your car's tires experience significant wear and tear, soon it will be time to purchase new tires.
You don't want to drive for weeks or months with poorly operating tires because this could cause an accident.
If you're unsure about whether they need to be replaced, talk with your mechanic and let him examine them.
Replace Your Tires if the Tread is Wearing Down Badly If your tire tread no longer has the deep groves in it, you'll have to replace your tires.
All cars come with an 8/32 to 10/32 of an inch in tread depth.
The main purpose of the tread is to provide traction on tough roads.
When your tires are between 2/32 and 4/32, it could be dangerous to drive on the road.
Visible Defects If there are any visible defects such as cords and wires hanging or any large holes and punctures in the tires, then it may be time to replace the tires.
If you see these defects on all of tires, it's best to replace them all at once to save time and money.
Tires That Don't Operate Properly on the Road Tires that don't operate properly on the road usually mean that you'll have to replace the tires.
If you're in the rain or on icy roads and the drive isn't going smoothly, then the tires must be replaced.
This keeps you from having a dangerous accident which may become deadly.
There are also liability issues that go along with the assumption that one maintains their vehicle at all times.
If an accident does occur and it's decided the wheels were 'bald', you may be liable if it is determined that was the cause.
Another Method to Determine if the Tires Need to be Replaced Another way to determine if the tires need to be replaced is by reading the owner's manual.
The manual often comes with sketches of your car on the inside of it and it gives specific details as to how to check them for problems.
You can also call the technical support number and inquire about the problem.
Have You Driven on a Flat? If you've driven on one or two flats for awhile, these tires need to be replaced because they've gone bad and even with pressure added to them, this will only temporarily help the problem.
Also if your tires are more than six years old, you should replace the tires.
Excessive Vibration Excessive vibration is another sign that your car's shoes should be replaced.
This is because your tires could be misaligned from driving on bumpy or tough roads and over time the tires become worn out.
This is generally due to alignment issues which can permanently damage your vehicle's tires.
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