If you have a small penis size then I am sure you must have been trying to console yourself with this popular saying size does not matter or the following phrase it is not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean...
No matter how many wise sayings that are invented to console men with small penises, the simple truth is a big penis would always be superior to a small one.
If you are still holding on to the belief that size does not really matter there is more terrible news for you.
In various penis size surveys the results always reveal that women prefer big penises to small ones, with the preference of most women being on a thick male sex organ that can stretch their vaginal lips and give them that wonderful feeling of being completely full in their vagina.
I guess this sounds a little disheartening to you, but this is the truth.
Now that you know that women love big penises are you wondering how you can get a big penis so that you can be more confident in the bedroom? Although there are so many methods of penile enlargement that are being touted all over the Internet today, the real truth is a large percentage of the products being sold are either scams or do not work! This one major reason why so many men hold on to the idea that natural penis enlargement is not possible.
So many men with small penis sizes have spent hundreds of dollars on products that do not work! Let me share some good news with you Natural penis enlargement works! If you want a bigger manhood you should be excited to know that it is very possible to get it.
Although you might not get a bigger size overnight but after some weeks you would definitely notice a change in the length, girth and strength of your penis.
Are you wondering what these natural methods are? Natural penile enlargement exercises and herbal penile enlargement pills can give you the big penis size that you have always dreamed of.
When you engage in Natural penis enlargement exercises, you apply manual pressure on your penile tissues using just your hands.
These exercises stretch and expand your penile tissues.
This causes little micro tears in your penile tissues.
During your rest days the penile tissues heal and re-grow to larger and stronger sizes, this then gives you a big penis.
As for herbal penis enlargement pills they increase blood flow to your genitals, heal worn-out penile tissues and stimulate penis growth.
But using herbal penis enlargement pills alone would not give you permanent gains.
A combination of natural penis enlargement exercises and herbal penis enlargement pills is sure to give you faster gains than when you use exercises alone.
One thing that you should have in mind if you decide to engage in natural penis enlargement exercises is this - focus more on thickness.
Although a long manhood looks impressive the fact is that women prefer a fat penis to a thin one.
What you should aim for is adding extra inches to the thickness of you manhood.
Going by the anatomy of the vagina, the sensual nerve endings that give a woman pleasure during sexual intercourse are concentrated near the 2 inches in the vagina.
What this means is that having a thick male sex organ gives women more pleasure during sexual intercourse.
If you make your manhood thicker by a few inches you will have so many ladies chasing you for sex! Like I mentioned previously, you can get a big penis size both in thickness and in length by using natural penis enlargement exercises.
Using these exercises alone can add as much as 3 inches to your penile length and 2 inches to your penile thickness.
These exercises work for over 97% of men who followed a rigorous program for a period of 6 months.
Yes you might say that these exercises are going to take some time out of your busy schedule but if you really want to please women in bed and be regarded as a master lover then I suggest that your enjoy the time spent exercising.
Actually the result that you would see is well worth the effort that you would put in.
In case you were thinking of using herbal penile enlargement pills, you should know that pills cannot give you a bigger penis size, they are only supplements for your natural penis enlargement exercise program.
What I mean is that they sort of speed up your penile gains instead of waiting 2 months to see 1 inch gain using these herbal pills in combination with exercises would reduce the time to like 1 month or 1 month and a half.
On their own they cannot do anything except increase blood flow to your genitals and increase your libido.
No matter how many wise sayings that are invented to console men with small penises, the simple truth is a big penis would always be superior to a small one.
If you are still holding on to the belief that size does not really matter there is more terrible news for you.
In various penis size surveys the results always reveal that women prefer big penises to small ones, with the preference of most women being on a thick male sex organ that can stretch their vaginal lips and give them that wonderful feeling of being completely full in their vagina.
I guess this sounds a little disheartening to you, but this is the truth.
Now that you know that women love big penises are you wondering how you can get a big penis so that you can be more confident in the bedroom? Although there are so many methods of penile enlargement that are being touted all over the Internet today, the real truth is a large percentage of the products being sold are either scams or do not work! This one major reason why so many men hold on to the idea that natural penis enlargement is not possible.
So many men with small penis sizes have spent hundreds of dollars on products that do not work! Let me share some good news with you Natural penis enlargement works! If you want a bigger manhood you should be excited to know that it is very possible to get it.
Although you might not get a bigger size overnight but after some weeks you would definitely notice a change in the length, girth and strength of your penis.
Are you wondering what these natural methods are? Natural penile enlargement exercises and herbal penile enlargement pills can give you the big penis size that you have always dreamed of.
When you engage in Natural penis enlargement exercises, you apply manual pressure on your penile tissues using just your hands.
These exercises stretch and expand your penile tissues.
This causes little micro tears in your penile tissues.
During your rest days the penile tissues heal and re-grow to larger and stronger sizes, this then gives you a big penis.
As for herbal penis enlargement pills they increase blood flow to your genitals, heal worn-out penile tissues and stimulate penis growth.
But using herbal penis enlargement pills alone would not give you permanent gains.
A combination of natural penis enlargement exercises and herbal penis enlargement pills is sure to give you faster gains than when you use exercises alone.
One thing that you should have in mind if you decide to engage in natural penis enlargement exercises is this - focus more on thickness.
Although a long manhood looks impressive the fact is that women prefer a fat penis to a thin one.
What you should aim for is adding extra inches to the thickness of you manhood.
Going by the anatomy of the vagina, the sensual nerve endings that give a woman pleasure during sexual intercourse are concentrated near the 2 inches in the vagina.
What this means is that having a thick male sex organ gives women more pleasure during sexual intercourse.
If you make your manhood thicker by a few inches you will have so many ladies chasing you for sex! Like I mentioned previously, you can get a big penis size both in thickness and in length by using natural penis enlargement exercises.
Using these exercises alone can add as much as 3 inches to your penile length and 2 inches to your penile thickness.
These exercises work for over 97% of men who followed a rigorous program for a period of 6 months.
Yes you might say that these exercises are going to take some time out of your busy schedule but if you really want to please women in bed and be regarded as a master lover then I suggest that your enjoy the time spent exercising.
Actually the result that you would see is well worth the effort that you would put in.
In case you were thinking of using herbal penile enlargement pills, you should know that pills cannot give you a bigger penis size, they are only supplements for your natural penis enlargement exercise program.
What I mean is that they sort of speed up your penile gains instead of waiting 2 months to see 1 inch gain using these herbal pills in combination with exercises would reduce the time to like 1 month or 1 month and a half.
On their own they cannot do anything except increase blood flow to your genitals and increase your libido.