Health & Medical Anti Aging

Call the Ambulance! Mom Was Hit With a Nerf Ball!

"Call the ambulance! Mom was hit with a nerf ball!" Okay, so maybe Mom didn't quite need the emergency room after being hit with a nerf ball, but I sure did shed many tears due to pain. Mothering 9 is not a task for the faint of heart: especially when 6 of them are rambunctious boys who love to wrestle, throw balls, brooms, sticks; anything they can get their hands on. Having Mom in tears after being hit with a nerf ball was too often the scenario. Chronic pain had become my life. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 23 and have been treated and suffered on different levels for the past 26 years.

In 2012 the pain, exhaustion, lack and sleep and inability to even sweep my kitchen floor without repercussions had driven me to discouragement and even bordering on depression. It had been almost 7 years since I had slept for more than a couple of hours at a time. Instead of sleeping at night I would wonder around the house wrapped in blankets, take 3 or 4 hot baths consecutively just trying to get some sort of relief. I was being treated with steroids, shots and prescription pain medication and literally was at the end of my rope emotionally, physically and financially. It was during one of the doctor's appointments after the lab results were in that the doctor and I discussed the damage that was being done to my liver and beyond as the result of the medications. In tears I left the doctor's office realizing that I really had no hope to ever have true relief from the pain - and that the efforts toward relief had only caused me more physical problems.

Desperation leads to research and thinking outside of the box many times, and in my case it did. What I discovered about our bodies; autoimmune diseases, how our organs function, toxins, acidity in the body and having a pH alkaline body: well, it gave me much to consider. As I began to take what I was learning seriously I searched for how to take what I was learning and practically apply it to my life. ‚¬"Who do I believe? How drastically can I change my eating habits and what affect will that have on my situation? What products are pure? Which products are worth the money and which ones are just another fly by night fad?‚¬ These were serious questions that I wrestled with.

What I discovered has been life changing! Now, a year later I am pain free. I sleep every night all night, I take no steroids or pain medication at all and I am participating in sports - even training for my first 5K next month. I am healthier and leaner than I have been in 25+ years and I feel like I have been given my life back. And all of this with my 50th birthday right around the corner!

Today I am on a mission to share what I have discovered with anyone who will listen. There is just too much disease, pain and life altering illness - and there IS something we can do to change that.
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