What most men fail to realise in their quest for a bigger penis is that girth is just as important as length.
This is certainly true is you ask women - research in women's magazines has shown that if you want to really satisfy a woman in bed then girth is very important.
Of course, all ladies love a good length too but wouldn't it be great if there was a way that you could increase both? Well now there is.
Natural enhancement is the way forward if you want a bigger penis is both directions.
It is safe, easy and you can do it all without ever having to leave the house.
It beats all other methods because none of them pay attention to what really matters - your own body.
Let's first look at how to make your penis grow.
The only way to make it grow is to create the same internal environment that was there when you went through puberty.
This was the last time that your manhood grew and it did it all because of biochemicals.
Simply by re-aligning your body's natural chemistry and restarting the production of these biochemicals you are already beginning to stimulate natural growth.
And because the body is growing naturally, it will add inches to both your length and your girth.
Is there a way to speed it up? Yes there is! If you're looking for quick results that are also permanent, then a good way to do that is by performing simple exercises on yourself.
One great technique is called Jelqing and this is usually the one that men start with.
By doing this technique for 10 - 15 minutes a day, you will increase the blood flow to your manhood.
The reason that this has such a dramatic effect is because your blood contains all of the essential biochemicals.
Drinking water can also help to circulate the blood at a faster pace so I would recommend that you begin to drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day.
Once you have mastered these techniques, you will start to see natural growth in only a few weeks.
There really is no time like the present so why not start today?
This is certainly true is you ask women - research in women's magazines has shown that if you want to really satisfy a woman in bed then girth is very important.
Of course, all ladies love a good length too but wouldn't it be great if there was a way that you could increase both? Well now there is.
Natural enhancement is the way forward if you want a bigger penis is both directions.
It is safe, easy and you can do it all without ever having to leave the house.
It beats all other methods because none of them pay attention to what really matters - your own body.
Let's first look at how to make your penis grow.
The only way to make it grow is to create the same internal environment that was there when you went through puberty.
This was the last time that your manhood grew and it did it all because of biochemicals.
Simply by re-aligning your body's natural chemistry and restarting the production of these biochemicals you are already beginning to stimulate natural growth.
And because the body is growing naturally, it will add inches to both your length and your girth.
Is there a way to speed it up? Yes there is! If you're looking for quick results that are also permanent, then a good way to do that is by performing simple exercises on yourself.
One great technique is called Jelqing and this is usually the one that men start with.
By doing this technique for 10 - 15 minutes a day, you will increase the blood flow to your manhood.
The reason that this has such a dramatic effect is because your blood contains all of the essential biochemicals.
Drinking water can also help to circulate the blood at a faster pace so I would recommend that you begin to drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day.
Once you have mastered these techniques, you will start to see natural growth in only a few weeks.
There really is no time like the present so why not start today?