Home & Garden: A Rotating Lights Strobe Is A Very Effective Visible Warning Signal

A Rotating Lights Strobe Is A Very Effective Visible Warning Signal

Any kind of first response vehicle needs visible and audible warnings to advise road users and pedestrians alike of their approach or presence in the nearby area. Lights strobe gives good warning from a reasonable distance and that is crucial to our first responders

Home & Garden: How to Use a Vernier Caliper to Measure

How to Use a Vernier Caliper to Measure

In 1631, the French mathematician, Pierre Vernier, invented the vernier caliper, an instrument for making very accurate linear measurements. In the modern day, manufacturing technicians and inspection groups are among the main users of vernier calipers, utilizing their 0.002-inch degree of accuracy.

Home & Garden: Emergency Lights Are Ubiquitous

Emergency Lights Are Ubiquitous

Emergency lights have existed long before electricity, strobe light, or neon tubes became familiar objects for mankind. But as technologies evolved, they were incorporated into improving the functionality of emergency lights.

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of Cast Iron Pipes

How to Get Rid of Cast Iron Pipes

Though cast iron pipes are still installed in new homes in some areas, older homes also have sewer lines made from cast iron, as well as from lead and clay. The cast iron pipes are extremely strong and durable, though at the same time quite brittle and easy to crack if knocked. Because the pipes are

Home & Garden: How to Get a Squirrel Out of Your Yard

How to Get a Squirrel Out of Your Yard

Having squirrels in your yard may seem like fun in the beginning, especially when your children can see the fuzzy creatures from the patio. However, if you have a garden or lawn in the backyard, they are anything but enjoyable. Squirrels will damage your crops, pop the buds on your flowers to get to

Home & Garden: How to Monitor Home Kerosene Heaters

How to Monitor Home Kerosene Heaters

Kerosene heaters are a good supplemental heat source in your home, but they must be used safely. It is important that you always monitor your kerosene heater when using it; if not you run the risk of fire or exposing your family to toxic fumes. As with any appliance, you should follow the manufactur

Home & Garden: DIY Earring Storage

DIY Earring Storage

Create an attractive earring holder out of a surprising building material: chicken wire. This holder stores many pairs of earrings and adds a sculptural element to any room while showing off your earring collection. This is an economical storage treatment and can be made in any size desired. Build o

Home & Garden: Why a Person Would Threaten the Home Security of Another

Why a Person Would Threaten the Home Security of Another

Who would break into a residential home with the intent of burglarizing it? It's hard to imagine the mindset that would interrupt the peace and safety of the average home for personal gain, but the amount of carelessness and desperation that lead a person to such drastic measures is a very real

Home & Garden: Alarm System Benefits

Alarm System Benefits

Although the ability to afford alarm systems was once limited to those who could pay upfront for all of the needed equipment, many alarm companies changed their structure in recent years to find creative ways to allow the customer pay smaller upfront fees and instead pay over the course...

Home & Garden: Peppermint Oil for Ants in the Garden

Peppermint Oil for Ants in the Garden

If you have a garden, you most likely have ants. It's impossible to eliminate all ants from outdoor areas, but you can repel some of them with the use of certain solutions. Ants don't like strong smells and avoid things that have a strong scent such as cayenne pepper and mint plants, including pepp

Home & Garden: How to Patch Plastic Garbage Cans

How to Patch Plastic Garbage Cans

Plastic garbage cans usually last years without any problems. However, circumstances sometimes arise that cause your garbage can to become cracked or cut. When this happens many homeowners just toss the can out with the rest of the trash and buy a new one. Instead of adding more plastic to landfills

Home & Garden: Protect your home from the inside out

Protect your home from the inside out

Home alarm systems should be installed in all types of domiciles,be they rooms,apartments,trailers or home offices.They will deter a burglar, but the main purpose is to let you know when someone is tr

Home & Garden: Choosing The Right Gun Safe For You

Choosing The Right Gun Safe For You

While Your Firearms May be a Source of Great Pride, Enjoyment and Protection, They Can Also be a Threat to Your Family. Accidental Shootings Have Been in the Headlines Regularly, for Decades. It's All

Home & Garden: Tips on Wireless Home Network Security

Tips on Wireless Home Network Security

Take steps to prevent outsiders from getting into your wireless network.computer image by Orlando Florin Rosu from Fotolia.comA home wireless network is convenient because you can use your laptop and desktop computers anywhere in your home without the need to clutter up your home with...

Home & Garden: How to Calculate the Cost of Utilities

How to Calculate the Cost of Utilities

If you're planning on moving into a new home or apartment, there are a few specific ways that you can calculate the estimated cost of utility bills. These calculations will depend entirely on how the house is operated. Some homes will be fully electrical with no gas at all, while some will have a co

Home & Garden: How to Conceal an Extension Cord

How to Conceal an Extension Cord

Extension cords are an easy way to get power to a distant site --- much easier than moving an outlet. But most people consider them eyesores and tripping hazards. Extensions cords are often longer than what you actually need, but concealing them is easy thanks to wire molding kits designed to hide e

Home & Garden: What Are the Benefits of Using Energy Star Products?

What Are the Benefits of Using Energy Star Products?

close up of electrical plug image by Sean Gladwell from Fotolia.comThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awards Energy Star labels to appliances or home improvement products that meet stringent standards. In order to qualify, a product must give equal or better performance than its...

Home & Garden: Home Security - The Only Protection Against This Alarming Trend of Burglaries

Home Security - The Only Protection Against This Alarming Trend of Burglaries

With the economy in very poor shape, burglary will soon achieve giant and irreversible proportions. Everyone today is aware of the risks involved. They are going out of their way to strengthen their home security, especially when they are out, not only from the burglars but also from the sticky fing

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