Decision Aid for Patients Considering TKA
A patient decision aid may improve the decision making process for those considering TKA.
A patient decision aid may improve the decision making process for those considering TKA.
Hip surgery is a fairly common surgery among the elderly. The elderly lose bone density, which leaves their bones fragile. This, in turn, leaves them more susceptible to broken bones. So if a senior citizen goes through the pain of hip surgery and then discovers that the area is infected, what happe
Sore feet are a worldwide problem that can make everyday things like standing, walking, running, dancing, or working extremely difficult. People never pay attention to their feet until it's too late and they're sore.
Tennis elbow is a type of injury that commonly occurs within the tendons that run from the forearm into the elbow. For most people, the condition usually manifests in their "writing arm," as this is the limb that a person favors and uses far more often than the other. While not as serious as other i
Therapeutic recovery can help heal your body and allow the muscles, joints and tendons to rebuild themselves. It is important for persons with injuries to make therapy a part of recovery. Therapy includes range of motion, functional movements and retraining the muscles how to move. The recovery proc
Can an I-ONE stimulator effectively improve post-operative pain and functional recovery after total knee arthroplasty?
Neuropathy is caused by nerve damage. The damage may be a result of disease or injury. Peripheral neuropathy refers to pain and numbness in the legs. Understanding what is causing the neuropathy helps towards finding ways to relieve leg pain.
It is important to look after the overall health of an individual to ensure that one does not have to suffer to live a long and healthy life. One of the best ways to do this is ensure that you have the right footwear to avoid any feet complications. Every morning before you leave the house, it is im
Learn more on the effects of fatigue associated with AS and how these patients are managing their condition.
What role do the 18F-FDG uptakes on PET/CT imaging play in assessing the development of OA?
Milk builds strong bones, but fruit does, too, new research shows.
A torn muscle can be painful, and may make it difficult to complete simple day-to-day tasks. The RICE (rest, ice, compress and elevate) method is an effective short-term solution for treating the injury. Over time, stretching, range of motion and massage therapy techniques will promote proper healin
The tendons are a group of toughened tissues that connect the muscles to the skeletal system. Elbow tendonitis can go by many terms, including golfer's elbow or tennis elbow. All these terms refer to an injury of the elbow that can be caused by playing tennis or golf as well as by other...
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic muscle pain throughout the body. Myofascial pain, in contrast, affects the fascia, or connective tissue covering the muscles, in specific areas. Most people experience myofascial pain at some time in their lives, as it can be caused by overuse or strai
Cartilage evaluation can play an important role in deciding the optimal arthroplasty indication in osteoarthritis patients.
Wood has several advantages as a home siding. It can add a natural look, accepts paint in a variety of colors, and represents a familiar technology. However, it can prove to be too expensive for a limited budget. Masonite siding can offer many of the advantages of wood but at a lower cost.
Foot pain is common problem that plagues normal life in many people. The problem can be caused by a variety of factors, It can range from wearing unscientific shoes, running around bare footed on hard surface, or it can happen if you are in active and do not exercise sufficiently.
Tommy John surgery is performed to reconstruct the medial collateral ligament of the elbow. This surgery is known for treatment of baseball players.
This review takes a look at various graft options and techniques in ACL reconstruction and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each.