Insurance: Effects of Health Insurance

Effects of Health Insurance

The mandates placed upon all current and future employers are soon going to become a burden. The realization of more employees becoming unemployed are at great risk once The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is fully implemented. Where this new universal health care will lead is anyone&apos

Insurance: Health Insurance For Individuals - How to Find the Right One

Health Insurance For Individuals - How to Find the Right One

No one can deny the fact that nowadays, health care insurance is considered more like a necessity. Today, when the cost of living is so high, it is to some extent impossible for a common man to even think of bearing the high costs of hospitals in case of the happening of any unfortunate incident. Bu

Insurance: When to Stop Disability Insurance

When to Stop Disability Insurance

Disability insurance helps injured and impaired people stay financially afloat. Depending on the policy and coverage, a private disability plan can completely replace your normal income while you recover from a trauma. Long-term disability plans may create an ongoing source of income should you beco

Insurance: Health Insurance Plan Subsidies Based on Income, Not Assets

Health Insurance Plan Subsidies Based on Income, Not Assets

One of the most confusing aspects of healthcare reform is the creation and funding of subsidies. Low and middle income individuals will be given money to buy a health insurance plan in a highly regulated exchange market.

Insurance: Personal Health Insurance - Ensuring Your Well Being

Personal Health Insurance - Ensuring Your Well Being

Personal health insurance is a great way to ensure you get the medical treatment you require when you need it. When you start a family you will inevitably have more people relying on you to be healthy and fit. If you find that you are in need of medical assistance you'll want it immediately rat

Insurance: Babyboomers Welcome to Medicare

Babyboomers Welcome to Medicare

The Babyboomers turn 65 this year. Seventy million more Americans will turn 65 by the year 2030. That is an average of 10,000 Americans every day for the next 20 years.

Insurance: Don't Forget About "You" When Shopping For Health Insurance

Don't Forget About "You" When Shopping For Health Insurance

If you are shopping for an individual health insurance plan in Colorado, you need to be aware of the "policy factors" that impact value. There are the common ones that you can compare on any of the insurance quoting websites including price, provider network, coverage, and exclusions (amon

Insurance: Importance of Group Health Insurance

Importance of Group Health Insurance

Term group plan means that all the employees must compulsorily accept the coverage despite of physical condition. Usually the employee has to pay the first premium within 30 days of employment or he will be forfeited from the right to automatic coverage.

Insurance: Florida Health Insurance

Florida Health Insurance

Buying Florida health insurance may or may not be in your stars. But with that in mind, if you live in the state there is a chance that you will have to make a purchase sometime in the future. The majority of people who shop for Florida health insurance do so because they do not receive benefits thr

Insurance: Small Business Health Insurance

Small Business Health Insurance

How do I get insurance for myself and my small business?Who do I contact?Where do I start?This is a quick guide to get you moving in the right direction.

Insurance: Presidents For Preventative Healthcare?

Presidents For Preventative Healthcare?

Which presidential candidate do you think has the best health care plan?John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are all claiming that their health care plan is superior to the plans of the other candidates.

Insurance: Low Cost Student Health Insurance - You Can Get It

Low Cost Student Health Insurance - You Can Get It

Thanks to some colleges and universities, getting low cost student health insurance isn't a problem.There are colleges and universities that offer affordable health care to their students.If your college or university offers health care benefits, there is certain further information you need.

Insurance: The Easy Way To Choose The Right Family Health Insurance Plan

The Easy Way To Choose The Right Family Health Insurance Plan

Finding the most suitable family health care insurance can be extremely confusing and difficult or it can be rather simple, quick and easy.Knowing the difference between an indemnity plan and a managed care system can aid in the choosing of an adequate health care insurance plan for your family.

Insurance: The Reasons for Purchasing Family Medical Health Insurance

The Reasons for Purchasing Family Medical Health Insurance

When choosing your family medical health insurance, the lowest premium plans are not necessarily the cheapest. Plans with low monthly costs often make it up in different ways. There is the co-pay, which is often a small percentage of the payable costs the policyholder gets to pay when he uses a serv

Insurance: New Health Insurance Bill Introduced To Help Cover Catastrophic Medical Costs

New Health Insurance Bill Introduced To Help Cover Catastrophic Medical Costs

Senators Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) recently introduced a bill (S 3701) at the national level that would create several pilot programs allowing states, including Texas, to offer uninsured residents health plans that provide basic coverage paired with catastrophic coverage for indiv