Which presidential candidate do you think has the best health care plan? John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are all claiming that their health care plan is superior to the plans of the other candidates.
My problem with every one of these health care plans is that none of them include anything about preventing sickness and promoting health.
They all do exactly what the majority of lame government programs do and that is merely treat symptoms instead of dealing with the causes.
The true causes of sickness in our country are our horrible eating habits, lack of exercise, and stressed out lifestyles.
America's longevity ranks 4o out of 42 industrialized nations in the world.
Our average life span is 75 years old which is 40th out of 42 nations.
America leads the world in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and pulmonary disease to name a few diseases, all of which are caused by lifestyle and totally preventable.
The chart below shows that Americans are literally killing themselves with diseases caused by their lifestyles.
The Ten Leading Causes of Death in The United States of America 1.
Heart Disease* 2.
Cancer* 3.
Pulmonary Disease* 4.
Pneumonia/Influenza* 5.
Diabetes* 6.
Car Accidents 7.
Suicide 8.
Kidney Failure* 9.
Liver Disease* 10.
Alzheimer's Disease* NCHS Vital Statistics for number of deaths.
Bureau of Census *Preventable Lifestyle Diseases The chart above clearly demonstrates that eight out of the ten major causes of death in the United States are preventable lifestyle diseases.
People can eliminate the risks of these diseases by changing their lifestyles.
You would think a TRUE HEALTH CARE PLAN would include education and incentives concerning prevention but not one of the candidate's health care plans do.
Why do you think none of the candidate's health care plans contain anything about prevention? I strongly believe it is because of their connection with the food and drug companies which are extremely powerful and have a lot of money to lose if Americans ever awoke to the truth.
The truth is, Americans could live long healthy lives by eating natural foods instead of the processed foods that destroy the cells in their bodies, exercise regularly and leave their sedentary lifestyles, and think positive healthy thoughts instead of negative disease causing thoughts.
A true health care plan including preventative education and incentives would lead to millions of Americans never having to use prescription drugs and live long healthy lives.
It would do what a TRUE HEALTH CARE PLAN should do: Make Americans healthy instead of merely treating symptoms and making the food and drug companies richer!
My problem with every one of these health care plans is that none of them include anything about preventing sickness and promoting health.
They all do exactly what the majority of lame government programs do and that is merely treat symptoms instead of dealing with the causes.
The true causes of sickness in our country are our horrible eating habits, lack of exercise, and stressed out lifestyles.
America's longevity ranks 4o out of 42 industrialized nations in the world.
Our average life span is 75 years old which is 40th out of 42 nations.
America leads the world in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and pulmonary disease to name a few diseases, all of which are caused by lifestyle and totally preventable.
The chart below shows that Americans are literally killing themselves with diseases caused by their lifestyles.
The Ten Leading Causes of Death in The United States of America 1.
Heart Disease* 2.
Cancer* 3.
Pulmonary Disease* 4.
Pneumonia/Influenza* 5.
Diabetes* 6.
Car Accidents 7.
Suicide 8.
Kidney Failure* 9.
Liver Disease* 10.
Alzheimer's Disease* NCHS Vital Statistics for number of deaths.
Bureau of Census *Preventable Lifestyle Diseases The chart above clearly demonstrates that eight out of the ten major causes of death in the United States are preventable lifestyle diseases.
People can eliminate the risks of these diseases by changing their lifestyles.
You would think a TRUE HEALTH CARE PLAN would include education and incentives concerning prevention but not one of the candidate's health care plans do.
Why do you think none of the candidate's health care plans contain anything about prevention? I strongly believe it is because of their connection with the food and drug companies which are extremely powerful and have a lot of money to lose if Americans ever awoke to the truth.
The truth is, Americans could live long healthy lives by eating natural foods instead of the processed foods that destroy the cells in their bodies, exercise regularly and leave their sedentary lifestyles, and think positive healthy thoughts instead of negative disease causing thoughts.
A true health care plan including preventative education and incentives would lead to millions of Americans never having to use prescription drugs and live long healthy lives.
It would do what a TRUE HEALTH CARE PLAN should do: Make Americans healthy instead of merely treating symptoms and making the food and drug companies richer!