If you have been trying to obtain a health insurance plan for your child, you have probably realized that nobody will write it anymore.
All of the major carriers like Aetna, CIGNA, Humana, etc, will no longer accept an application for a child unless a parent or a guardian is also on the form with them.
Fortunately, we have found a way to write child-only health insurance plans.
But, let me give you a little background first.
While the new health care legislation implements a number of important changes, some of them have unintended consequences.
This is what happens when you pass a 2,700 page bill without reading it.
The new bill requires that health insurance carriers accept children under the age of 19 regardless of their pre-existing conditions.
In response to this rule, the health insurance carriers decided that they want a parent on the plan with the child to try and mitigate some of the expense of covering these conditions.
That is why you are running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to find health insurance for your child.
We have been able to get around this new edict by using something called Short Term Insurance.
Short term insurance is a full major medical plan with certain limitations.
I consider them more of a "just in case" type of plan.
Most importantly, they will accept a child without a parent on the plan with them.
There are no alternatives and it is foolish to not have health insurance coverage for your children.
You can enhance these plans with additional supplements.
We suggest an accident plan that will cover accidents or injuries without meeting the plan's deductible.
A plan for the entire family runs about $40 a month.
One of the plans we offer has an inexpensive option that provides 24 hour consultations with a physician.
This is a very valuable feature as they can call in prescriptions for a number of minor problems over the phone.
You can also add a professional negotiation service to your plan for about $7 a month.
They will find you the lowest cost providers for tests, surgery and other costly treatments.
They will also negotiate for you to get the best possible prices for medical services.
Until the Congress fixes the mess they made of health insurance, we will all have to put up with shortcomings in the new law.
If there were a better way to cover children under 19, I would tell you about it.
Naturally, you can contact me for more information.
These plans are available in most states.
All of the major carriers like Aetna, CIGNA, Humana, etc, will no longer accept an application for a child unless a parent or a guardian is also on the form with them.
Fortunately, we have found a way to write child-only health insurance plans.
But, let me give you a little background first.
While the new health care legislation implements a number of important changes, some of them have unintended consequences.
This is what happens when you pass a 2,700 page bill without reading it.
The new bill requires that health insurance carriers accept children under the age of 19 regardless of their pre-existing conditions.
In response to this rule, the health insurance carriers decided that they want a parent on the plan with the child to try and mitigate some of the expense of covering these conditions.
That is why you are running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to find health insurance for your child.
We have been able to get around this new edict by using something called Short Term Insurance.
Short term insurance is a full major medical plan with certain limitations.
- The plans must be renewed every 6 or 12 months (depending on where you live).
- They will not cover pre-existing conditions.
- They will not cover well-care or check ups.
- There is usually not a co-pay for office visits or prescriptions.
Everything goes towards the deductible.
I consider them more of a "just in case" type of plan.
Most importantly, they will accept a child without a parent on the plan with them.
There are no alternatives and it is foolish to not have health insurance coverage for your children.
You can enhance these plans with additional supplements.
We suggest an accident plan that will cover accidents or injuries without meeting the plan's deductible.
A plan for the entire family runs about $40 a month.
One of the plans we offer has an inexpensive option that provides 24 hour consultations with a physician.
This is a very valuable feature as they can call in prescriptions for a number of minor problems over the phone.
You can also add a professional negotiation service to your plan for about $7 a month.
They will find you the lowest cost providers for tests, surgery and other costly treatments.
They will also negotiate for you to get the best possible prices for medical services.
Until the Congress fixes the mess they made of health insurance, we will all have to put up with shortcomings in the new law.
If there were a better way to cover children under 19, I would tell you about it.
Naturally, you can contact me for more information.
These plans are available in most states.