Insurance: Insurance - HIPPA Headaches

Insurance - HIPPA Headaches

Don't you just love government red tape? This time the bureaucratic process has given us a real doozyit's called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA for short. And the unintended affects of HIPPA could have a dramatic effect on you.

Insurance: Things to Consider When Buying Health Insurance

Things to Consider When Buying Health Insurance

There are so many things you should know when it comes to buying health care insurance it's just overwhelming. Consider these tips to save yourself some time and money.

Insurance: Get Health Insurance Quotes Now

Get Health Insurance Quotes Now

Everything you need to know to get health insurance quotes now. How to get quotes without any delay.

Insurance: Obamacare Might Take A Turn For The Worse?

Obamacare Might Take A Turn For The Worse?

Last week, two court rulings about the wording of the health care law may change the face of "Obamacare". The case revolves around four words of the Affordable Care Act, which says the tax credits are available to people who enroll through an exchange "established by the state".

Insurance: Understanding HDHPs and Health Savings Accounts

Understanding HDHPs and Health Savings Accounts

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are investment accounts whose funds can be tax-free upon contribution and when used for medical expenses.They work in conjunction with high deductible health plans to form a system of consumer driven health care that is gaining popularity.

Insurance: Cheap Health Insurance: Understanding Coverage

Cheap Health Insurance: Understanding Coverage

Before you shop for cheap health insurance, you can read up on some of the most common terms as well as less common terms, too. The internet is an incredible source of information on the topic, and many articles have been written to help you clarify what's what on your policy.

Insurance: Things You Should Know Before You Move Away From Your Parents

Things You Should Know Before You Move Away From Your Parents

Moving out of your parents' home presents a major milestone in adulthood. Living on your own shows your independence and self-sufficiency. However, many discover that they were saving money while living with their parents and gain a better appreciation of their parents' help. Take the time to develo

Insurance: Basics of Health Insurance

Basics of Health Insurance

Learn the difference between the various kinds of health insurance. This article leads you through Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations and indemnity or "any doc" plans as well as spells out which are the best for your situation.

Insurance: Where Can I Buy Health Insurance?

Where Can I Buy Health Insurance?

Need health insurance but don't know where to start? Well these tips and tricks can help you. Plus, they may even save you money.

Insurance: California Individual Health Insurance Quote - Quick Online Quotes

California Individual Health Insurance Quote - Quick Online Quotes

Looking for quick California individual health insurance quotes? This article will give you some basic information about California health insurance, then give you links at the end where you can get free California health insurance quotes online

Insurance: Pre-Existing Conditions in Florida Health Insurance

Pre-Existing Conditions in Florida Health Insurance

Pre-existing conditions in Florida health insurance is an area of health insurance that seems to suffer from a murky cloud of confusion. What is a pre-existing condition? How are pre-existing conditions handled in Florida? Are there differences in how pre-existing conditions are handled depending on

Insurance: Common Fallacies Consumers Believe About Health Insurance

Common Fallacies Consumers Believe About Health Insurance

As with all types of insurance, several myths about health insurance coverage survive despite clear evidence that debunks them. This is understandable. Health insurance, whether through a provincial plan, supplemental plan, or an employer-sponsored package, involves many different coverages, each wi

Insurance: What is Achluophobia?

What is Achluophobia?

What do you know about Achluophobia? Find out how to deal with a fear of darkness and how to get help through online counseling?

Insurance: 3 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Personal Health Insurance

3 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Personal Health Insurance

When it comes to personal health insurance you should always understand that they are not all created equal. The great thing about such insurance, unlike group plans that many companies take out for their employees, is that you can choose what sort of coverage you take out. Therefore you can create

Insurance: 5 Smart Ways to Get Health Insurance Fast

5 Smart Ways to Get Health Insurance Fast

For people who have just lost their medical plans or for those who haven't got healthcare plans, obtaining health coverage is extremely important during economy crisis. High medical cost is in fact a very heavy burden for anyone. Hence, you need to act fast to grab healthcare protection for you

Insurance: Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Breast cancer is a problem that touches us all. In fighting against cancer or any disease, the goal is to control the cause. However for breast cancer there is no known cause.

Insurance: Reimbursement of Implants in Belgium

Reimbursement of Implants in Belgium

Companies that sell implants in the Belgium market face new, mandatory guidelines that may impact the reimbursement of their products. The article below explains these changes and provides information and recommendation regarding the steps that should be taken.