Health & Medical: Simple Ways To Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Simple Ways To Reduce Cholesterol Levels

You must be looking for ways to reduce cholesterol levels, the reason why you chanced upon this article to begin with. Perhaps your latest blood chemistry revealed that your cholesterol levels are up, and "up" is not always a good thing, most especially when you are talking about bad chole

Health & Medical: Potassium and Your Heart

Potassium and Your Heart

A diet that includes potassium-rich fruits and vegetables is good for the heart. WebMD explains the role of this mineral in keeping cholesterol, blood pressure, and an abnormal heart rhythm in check.

Health & Medical: Heart Attack Treatment Diet With Healthy Foods

Heart Attack Treatment Diet With Healthy Foods

Did you know that you can dramatically reduce your risk of heart attack by maintaining a healthy diet? Healthy dieting is an extremely important part of living a long and healthy lifestyle. Eating the proper food can prevent blood clots from forming a plaque build-up among the artery walls, decreasi

Health & Medical: Choosing A Blood Pressure Monitor

Choosing A Blood Pressure Monitor

Taking your blood pressure at home may help you to feel more in control of your health.Your doctor will also be able to better understand what is causing you any problems with high or low blood pressure.Look at the features on different monitors to figure out which one is best for you.Your doctor or

Health & Medical: Ivabradine (Corlanor) for IST

Ivabradine (Corlanor) for IST

Ivabradine slows the heart rate, and may be useful in treating inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST) as well as POTS and vasovagal syncope.

Health & Medical: The Portfolio Diet:The Solution to Heart Disease

The Portfolio Diet:The Solution to Heart Disease

What if there was a combination of foods that were as effective at lowering LDL cholesterol as prescription drugs? Would it be worth adding some new foods to what you eat each day to avoid medication?

Health & Medical: What a Diet That Lowers Cholesterol Can Do For You?

What a Diet That Lowers Cholesterol Can Do For You?

Following a lowering cholesterol diet may be helpful in improving your heart's health, as this essential component of any cell is known to be involved in the fat's storage process. Still, cholesterol is not as guilty as most people think, simply because this element is not the main nor the

Health & Medical: Congestive Heart Failure - What is Congestive Heart Failure?

Congestive Heart Failure - What is Congestive Heart Failure?

The basic answer to 'what is congestive heart failure' is that it is the condition in which the heart's capacity to pump oxygen-rich blood to all the parts of the body has decreased. There are two distinct types of congestive heart failure. They are classified according to the two act

Health & Medical: The Use of Imaging for Risk Stratification in ACS

The Use of Imaging for Risk Stratification in ACS

This discussion by George A. Beller, MD, MACC, and Peter C. Block, MD, FACC, addresses noninvasive imaging techniques for determination of cardiology risk stratification for patient management.

Health & Medical: Ambulatory Electrocardiogram

Ambulatory Electrocardiogram

An ambulatory electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) records the electrical activity of your heart while you do your usual activities.

Health & Medical: Preventing Heart Attacks Using Hypnosis: A Very Odd Approach

Preventing Heart Attacks Using Hypnosis: A Very Odd Approach

This article reveals a little known but very powerful, drug free method to protect yourself against heart attacks. And though hypnosis is involved, how it used is quite unusual. This method has been shown to lead to a 70% reduction in the likelihood of heart attacks.

Health & Medical: Top Cholesterol Fighting Foods

Top Cholesterol Fighting Foods

It is so incredibly difficult to eat healthy sometimes!Foods can be tricky.Even when you go to the supermarket, you have to stay on the lookout.Read the labels because a lot of the foods that you think look healthy are, in all actuality, not that healthy for you!One of the major health related issue

Health & Medical: Coronary Bypass Surgery versus PCI

Coronary Bypass Surgery versus PCI

What have we learned from comparisons of coronary artery bypass graft and percutaneous coronary intervention through the years?