Home & Garden: How to Repot Orchids Without Damaging Them

How to Repot Orchids Without Damaging Them

Repotting orchids is not difficult. However, if you skip this important step you just might have destroyed your valuable plants. Don't risk losing your plants. Do it the right way and you will have strong healthy orchids that produce many beautiful blooms.

Home & Garden: Basil Plant Care Information

Basil Plant Care Information

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a sweet herb and member of the mint family. There are several types of this heat-loving, cold-sensitive herb but the most common is sweet basil. Basil is a staple in many home herb gardens and requires very little care. Properly cared for basil plants produce higher quali

Home & Garden: affter Une Trononneuse -- Comment Faire_meuret

affter Une Trononneuse -- Comment Faire_meuret

Affûter une tronçonneuse – comment faire – astuces pratiquesLe système PowerSharp® d’Oregon est un outil d’affûtage de tronçonneuse précis et simple d’utilisation qui permet d’affûter une chaîne en quelques s

Home & Garden: Great Gardens in Small Places

Great Gardens in Small Places

It's only natural to have big aspirations when it comes to gardening. But if your available space resembles a window box more than a grand botanical garden, you still have plenty of options. With the ...

Home & Garden: Bittersweet Plant Gardening Tips

Bittersweet Plant Gardening Tips

Bittersweet will climb sunny trellises or other supports.trellis image by Christopher Dodge from Fotolia.comBittersweet is a vine that comes in two primary varieties--American bittersweet and Oriental or Asiatic bittersweet. Both green vines climb nearby trees and other supports....

Home & Garden: Gardening Herbs at Home - Basil

Gardening Herbs at Home - Basil

Basil is such an essential ingredient in the kitchen, you'd be mad not to have a fresh supply at home! What's more, it's really simple to grow, and thrives in most climates!

Home & Garden: When to Cut Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides Back?

When to Cut Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides Back?

More commonly called blue leadwort or dwarf plumbago, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides grows as woody-stemmed perennials, often as a billowy ground covers. It loses its green leaves in the fall but not before turning an attractive red, even when the cobalt blue flowers are still open as fall frosts occur

Home & Garden: How to Kill a Cut Tree

How to Kill a Cut Tree

Although it may die naturally of shock, a tree can continue to live even when all of its branches and leaves are removed. To ensure a tree is dead, its root system must be poisoned. This is easiest to do when a tree has been freshly cut, preferably down to ground level.

Home & Garden: Watering Orchids - When and How

Watering Orchids - When and How

While the needs of different orchid species can vary, it's relatively easy to determine the quantity and frequency of water that your plants require. There are many factors that affect the amount of water an orchid needs and how quickly it uses the water you provide. Understanding those factors

Home & Garden: English Cottage Garden Plans

English Cottage Garden Plans

If a charming English cottage garden is part of the vision for your home, map out your design to take full advantage of the landscape concept. Initially, this style of garden developed in plots of dirt surrounding the simple cottages of poor workers on the large estates in Tudor England. Over the c

Home & Garden: Advantages of using a grow tent

Advantages of using a grow tent

weighing up the pros and cons of using a grow tent as opposed to building a grow room for your plants

Home & Garden: Beginning a New Healthy Lifestyle By Gardening

Beginning a New Healthy Lifestyle By Gardening

You might opt to think about planting your own vegetables and fruits in a garden of your very own if you're looking to make a change in your life for the better, making it simple ...

Home & Garden: Orchid Blooming Tips - Provide Sufficient Light For Better Blooming

Orchid Blooming Tips - Provide Sufficient Light For Better Blooming

All plants need light---either natural or artificial. It is their source of energy for food and reproduction and orchids are no exception. If you find that your plants seem to be producing fewer blooms than expected, it's possible that the light intensity at the plant's location is inadequ

Home & Garden: A Holistic Perspective Of Gardening

A Holistic Perspective Of Gardening

By grasping the individual aspects of gardening, you can better understand what gardening is as a whole. A holistic perspective of gardening looks at the spiritual, mental, economical, and biological

Home & Garden: How to Adjust a Shrub Head Sprinkler

How to Adjust a Shrub Head Sprinkler

Not all sprinkler heads are created the same. Some are for watering the lawn, others for soaking plant roots and then there are those made for watering shrubs. While it’s possible to set a shrub head sprinkler on a riser so the sprinkler head can reach the top of tall shrubs, most shrub heads

Home & Garden: How to Grow Collards

How to Grow Collards

Collard greens aren't just for the south. These nutrient packed greens will grow just about any where. Here are some tips to get you started.

Home & Garden: Starting Your Own Community Garden

Starting Your Own Community Garden

The concept of the community garden has been around for many years. And now the idea is growing once again. In the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 10,000 community gardens in operation. Why? It ...

Home & Garden: Organic Gardening - 6 Tips To Help You Succeed At Being An Organic Gardener

Organic Gardening - 6 Tips To Help You Succeed At Being An Organic Gardener

One rule of thumb to remember is that a healthy plant is a much less vulnerable plant. Pest and disease won't be as much of a problem with healthy plants. Gardening is so much easier when the plants are healthy and doing exactly what they were planted to do, whether it's just being beautif

Home & Garden: Some Useful Info For Anyone Looking To Create Their Own Garden

Some Useful Info For Anyone Looking To Create Their Own Garden

Perhaps you're considering how to start a vegetable garden. You can generally go about it one of two ways - either by buying plants that are already halfway grown or by purchasing seeds. There is immense satisfaction waiting for people who take the effort to grow their vegetables from the groun