Home & Garden: Tick Bites

Tick Bites

Ticks can cause a great deal of harm to people and pets. Ticks infest areas with thick vegetation, and individuals and animals in these areas face the risk of tick bites. Tick bites occur when ticks attach themselves to a host. In humans, tick bites can cause diseases such as Lyme disease, Colorado

Home & Garden: How to Fertilize Tomato Flowers

How to Fertilize Tomato Flowers

Tomato plants originated in Peru. Many people believe that because the tomato flower is both male and female, it fertilizes itself. This isn't exactly true. Tomato flowers do require fertilization assistance either by the wind or insects. The wind helps to shake pollen off the anthers, with some of

Home & Garden: Benefits From a Tree Surgeon

Benefits From a Tree Surgeon

The trees surgeons and neighborhood gardens have never looked better in the areas of Staines and Hounslow near London. This is because of the new trend in the neighborhood for up-keeping of gardens. Landscape gardening ...

Home & Garden: How to Make a Garden Beautiful

How to Make a Garden Beautiful

So many people ask themselves this question when they look out at their baron and desolate patch at the back of their home. It isn't just a case of planting a few flowers and mowing the lawn, it takes a lot more creativity and planning than that.

Home & Garden: Purchasing Plumeria Cuttings Plants And Seedlings On eBay

Purchasing Plumeria Cuttings Plants And Seedlings On eBay

eBay can be a great place to purchase plumeria cuttings, plants and seedlings. But the purchase can end up as a very frustrating experience if the buyer does not know what to look for. Find out what to look for before making any plant purchases on eBay.

Home & Garden: Roses Make A Wonderful Hedge

Roses Make A Wonderful Hedge

Roses can make a wonderful hedge either mixed in with a normal hedge or as an attractive flowering boundary. An upwind rose hedge that has strong, fragrant flowers can perfume a garden, filling the ai

Home & Garden: Three Easy Home Vegetable Gardening Tips to Follow

Three Easy Home Vegetable Gardening Tips to Follow

I like to keep my home vegetable gardening as simple as possible. Sure on occasion I will venture out into something new and little more advanced, but my entire gardening process surrounds some basic tips that I am going to share with you in a moment.

Home & Garden: Tips For Getting A Barbecue In The United States Of America

Tips For Getting A Barbecue In The United States Of America

Owning a Barbecue is in reality part of the American way of life,so it is perhaps normal to suppose that numerous households in the United States Of America have access to a Barbecue Grill. Traditionally these would be powered by Charcoal, although lately more folks are buying Gas BarbecueGrills whi

Home & Garden: Safe And Sustainable Lawn Care Practices

Safe And Sustainable Lawn Care Practices

Safe and environment friendly lawn care has gained growing awareness among lawn owners and gardeners all over. Just as organic foodstuffs, fruits and vegetables are experiencing growing demand organic lawn service, gardening, and plantation methods ...

Home & Garden: Pruning Your Bonsai Correctly

Pruning Your Bonsai Correctly

One of the primary methods used to limit the size of a bonsai tree is pruning. Pruning is the careful remove of parts of the tree to shape it and limit the size. Properly pruning ...

Home & Garden: Herb Gardens - A Growing Passion

Herb Gardens - A Growing Passion

The use of herbs, whether in cooking or medicinal uses, can be traced as far back as thousands of years. World historians agree that the use of different types of herbs was already common with the Egyptian and Chinese civilizations. The use of herbs continued to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and

Home & Garden: L' autoconstruction: Comment Relever Le Dfi?

L' autoconstruction: Comment Relever Le Dfi?

L'autoconstruction de maison n'est pas une chose à prendre à la légère, pour y parvenir, il faut bien se préparer et peser le pour et le contre avant le commencement des travaux (surtout si vous n'êtes pas un professionnel dans le domaine).

Home & Garden: How to Plant Hopi Corn

How to Plant Hopi Corn

The common name Hopi corn refers to several varieties of dent corn, or Zea mays indurata, developed by the Hopi people of the southwestern United States. The corn was once grown as a staple grain crop, but is now grown mainly as a decorative plant for its striking, multicolored kernels. Like most ty

Home & Garden: The Essentials of Composting

The Essentials of Composting

Distinct from mulch per se, compost is decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants. It is matter that is almost completely broken down or decomposed. The benefit of compost is that it gives you an earthy, dark, crumbly soil that is excellent for all plants due to having been enr

Home & Garden: Save Some Money With Your Own Vegetable Garden

Save Some Money With Your Own Vegetable Garden

Invest In A Vegetable Garden With inflation on the way in this economy and with the high cost of vegetables, it would be a good idea to plant a garden with a variety of vegetables. ...

Home & Garden: The Benefits Of Miniature Bamboo

The Benefits Of Miniature Bamboo

Add some serenity to your garden with miniature bamboo, a great addition to any home environment! The popularity of miniature bamboo is on the rise given it's qualities to enhance either an outdoor garden setting or as an indoor plant.

Home & Garden: Weed Control - The Best Garden Plants Can Be The Worst Weeds!

Weed Control - The Best Garden Plants Can Be The Worst Weeds!

When people hear the word "weed" they usually think of some nasty, ugly herbaceous plant ruining their flowerbed, such as bindweed or Mallow. Weeds are most commonly unwanted plants because they are deemed "ugly". Actually ...