Home & Garden: Information on Oriental Style Garden

Information on Oriental Style Garden

Basically when you create an Oriental garden, you are looking to recreate nature within the confines of your garden. If you see the gardens in China and Japan, you will realize that just limited plants are used in the garden because many of these have been designed and created by artists, poets and

Home & Garden: Variegated Weigela Growth Rate

Variegated Weigela Growth Rate

Variegated weigela is a deciduous non-native shrub that is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9. The Variegata cultivar of the weigela florida is a shorter and less broad variety of the species that sports variegated white and green leaves and pink flowers.

Home & Garden: Rose Bush Care - Tips for Success

Rose Bush Care - Tips for Success

There is in all likelihood no flower as exquisite or as popular as a rose. They have been around for 1000s of years and are recognized in virtually each country. Growing rose bushes is rewarding ...

Home & Garden: Gardening Programs for At-Risk Children

Gardening Programs for At-Risk Children

Gardening programs can benefit at-risk children in ways that range from elevating self-confidence to fostering a sense of self-esteem or pride. These specially designed nature-based activities are around the country in many different cities and towns.

Home & Garden: How Does a Palm Tree Grow?

How Does a Palm Tree Grow?

TypesPalm trees are known for their exotic presence and the mood they create. While most of us associate them with warm, balmy climates, there are a number of palm species that acclimate to colder temperatures. These are the cold hardy breeds. Dwarf sugar palms, Bismarck palms and the...

Home & Garden: Boosting Curb Appeal to Make an Impressive Entrance

Boosting Curb Appeal to Make an Impressive Entrance

First impressions do last and what better way to create such in your New York home by making a superb entrance? Outdoor home improvements that boost curb appeal is a sure way to create an appealing an

Home & Garden: Using Decorative Fencing In Your Garden

Using Decorative Fencing In Your Garden

Everyone has some parts of their garden that they'd rather not have on public display. It might be piles of pots and water containers that won't fit in the shed or just a compost heap ...

Home & Garden: Winter Care For Trees Purchased at Your Local Tree Nursery

Winter Care For Trees Purchased at Your Local Tree Nursery

You have purchased a tree or trees from your favorite nursery, whether a wholesale nursery, plant nursery or a tree nursery, and now it is going to face its first winter. Brrr! What can one do to help protect their tree (trees) from the harsh elements of wintertime? There are some good suggestions a

Home & Garden: How to Hire the Best Landscape Contractor in Orlando

How to Hire the Best Landscape Contractor in Orlando

Orlando is the vacation destination for those who visit and those who are lucky enough to live in the city. For more relaxing and less work, hire a certified landscape contractor in Orlando. Landscape contractors ...

Home & Garden: Vegetable Gardening Problems and Causes

Vegetable Gardening Problems and Causes

You may be faced with many vegetable gardening problems on your way to set up your own vegetable garden. These problems may vary from vegetable diseases and pest attacks to the failure of the plants to bear fruit. As for every problem, vegetable gardening problems also have solutions.

Home & Garden: How to Grow Plants?

How to Grow Plants?

On this world there are invisible processes that we unconsciously follow. There aresome that are just like others, or normal issues that everyone should do and there are also these unique ones that you've developed ...

Home & Garden: How to Protect Your Newly Planted Seed Vegetable Garden

How to Protect Your Newly Planted Seed Vegetable Garden

Many vegetable plants do best when direct seeded into the garden. Plants don't have to adjust to outdoor conditions and there is no danger of root damage since the vegetables aren't transplanted. Unfortunately, mice, birds and other pests consider the seeds a food source and may consume them before

Home & Garden: Beautiful Potted Plants

Beautiful Potted Plants

Red poinsetta forms a beautiful potted plant.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesBeautiful plants nestled securely in appropriately sized garden pots add vibrant color to your landscape and enhance the appeal of the area. There are many types of beautiful flowers that you can grow...

Home & Garden: Island Garden Ideas

Island Garden Ideas

Island gardens stand alone in a yard or other landscape area.fleurs bleues image by harmonie57 from Fotolia.comIsland gardens are located in open area of lawn. Unlike gardens that are up against walls or fences, island gardens are viewable from all sides and should be laid out...