Home & Garden Gardening

Three Easy Home Vegetable Gardening Tips to Follow

I like to keep my home vegetable gardening as simple as possible.
Sure on occasion I will venture out into something new and little more advanced, but my entire gardening process surrounds some basic tips that I am going to share with you in a moment.
My gardening philosophy stems from the teachings of my dad.
My dad is a very simple person and that translated the same into his garden.
So when I watched him all of those years I saw that he kept things simple and easy to handle.
My tips that I am going to share with you are really his tips, and for many of you out there they may already be your tips.
Tip #1 Grow what you like to eat.
many times new vegetable gardeners will go crazy when buying seeds or plants.
Most of the time buying things they or their family do not even consume.
My brother is notorious for this.
Instead, think about what you and your family actually consumes, and grow those fruits, vegetables and herbs.
You will save on a lot of space and time on items that would simply just rot.
Tip#2 Keep the size of your garden reasonable.
For many the size of your garden will be dictated by the amount of land you actually have.
However there are a number of people who lots of land and want to grow huge gardens, bordering on the size of a small farm.
What they fail to take into account is that the larger the garden the more work it will equate to.
So try to keep your garden the size of what you can handle.
Too large and you may become overwhelmed and lose interest.
Tip #3 Keep your garden within sight.
What I mean here is your garden should be within view from the inside of your house.
I find, as do others I have talked to (whew, glad I am not alone here), that you are more likely to keep up with your vegetable garden if you can keep it in plain sight.
It allows you to keep an eye on what is growing well, what is not, the weeds that need to be taken care of and so on.
You will find that once you have home vegetable gardening down, your maintenance will be very minimal (or at least should be).
Sure these three tips won't make you a commercial farmer capable of feeding the planet, but they will make your home vegetable gardening experiences more fun and enjoyable, and more importantly keep you motivated to grow every season.
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