Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Michigan Photography: Ways to Improve Your Photography Business

Michigan Photography: Ways to Improve Your Photography Business

Photography is widely considered an art which has influential power to grip anyone attention. Photography is art forms that have common foundation - imagination. Therefore it is true that good photographs convey a significant message. ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Uses for Airless Sprayers

Uses for Airless Sprayers

An airless sprayer is a device that is powered by electricity and uses a pump system to pull paint from a container, using force to push it through a hose and spray head onto the object that you wish to paint. There are many uses for airless sprayers, and, when used correctly, they can...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Print a Design on a Shirt

How to Print a Design on a Shirt

You can print a design on a shirt using the screen printing technique, also known as silk screen. Designs can be prepared on paper or with a computer, then transferred to a screen frame coated with light-sensitive photo emulsion. Ink is put into the screen frame, and pulled over the design with a ru

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Family Guy Seasons 1-8 - We Are Lucky There is "Family Guy"!

Family Guy Seasons 1-8 - We Are Lucky There is "Family Guy"!

The Simpsons will forever be the yardstick against which every family oriented animated show will be measured. Futurama was an excellently animated show, rich with creativity. South Park indulges in its trademarked vulgarity and judgment. King of the Hill, while not appreciated by all, illustrates t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Convert an Image to a Cartoon

How to Convert an Image to a Cartoon

So you have a photograph you want to make into a cartoon? You might want to do this for fun, to present as a gift or to create a comic book featuring pictures you've taken. Turning photographs into cartoon pictures is easy. You can do it using graphics software and applying cartoon special effects o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Trace PCB

How to Trace PCB

A PCB trace is the conductive copper track that connects components on the board. For an electronic device to work properly, the traces must be designed according to the voltage, current and heat produced by the circuit. Improperly designed traces may result in poor connections between electronic co

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: List of Dragons in the "HTTYD" Universe

List of Dragons in the "HTTYD" Universe

"How to Train Your Dragon" (HTTYD) is a computer-animated movie from 2010. In its fictional universe dragons are real and Vikings are their greatest enemy. The exception is a young Viking called Hiccup, who befriends and trains a dragon he calls "Toothless." Dragons in this world are extremely varie

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 3D Animation 101 - What Does it Take to Become an Animator

3D Animation 101 - What Does it Take to Become an Animator

If you have been developing an interest in animation you may be asking yourself the question as what would it take to become one. First before researching the answer to that question, you would be wise to gain some knowledge as to what animation is all about.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Drawing of a Car Drift

How to Make a Drawing of a Car Drift

Car drifting, also known as over steer, is essentially what happens when a driver intentionally loses rear wheel traction during a turn. During a car drift, the front wheels are turned in the opposite direction of the turn of the car (known as counter steer). Drifting is a convention used in car rac

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Draw Temari

How to Draw Temari

Temari is a character from a popular anime or manga known as Naruto. She lives in a village known as Village Hidden in the Sand, and she is in her teenage years throughout the show. Temari carries a large fan and has several attacks that she performs. Anime characters are defined by the large eyes a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Plot a Full Size Drawing

How to Plot a Full Size Drawing

Plotting a full size drawing becomes easy with the help of a ruler. Artists have used grids to plot drawings for centuries. This method requires the artist to make a grid over a photograph or other original image. The artist then draws an identical grid on their drawing paper. This technique offers

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Paint a Cherub

How to Paint a Cherub

A cherub, also commonly referred to as an angel, is an image often found on paintings and artwork in churches and other religious centers. Resembling a young child, the cherub image was adopted into Christian iconology somewhere around A.D. 300, and continues to be popular in artistry work today. Yo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tutorials on Anime Hand Styles

Tutorials on Anime Hand Styles

In Japanese Anime, hands are prominently displayed through character's gestures. Anime characters are frequently shown to use their hands while talking. It's a tendency which adds visual interest to any scene, but also helps the viewer to interpret the emotions of those characters through added visu

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Your Name in Graffiti Style

How to Make Your Name in Graffiti Style

If you are intrigued by the artistry of graffiti, you can begin to learn the craft by drawing your name in graffiti style. There are countless approaches to developing your own style of graffiti letters. Some will work with the specific letters in your name and some won't work as well, meaning you w

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Album Art Tools

Album Art Tools

Decorate your record cases using album art tools.Vynil player image by Photosani from Fotolia.comWhether you’re releasing your band’s first album or creating a compilation, the first image listeners get of the band might be the album art, or cover. When creating your album...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Under-the-Sea Paint Ideas

Under-the-Sea Paint Ideas

Wall murals and canvases depicting an under-the-sea theme may be filled with colorful sea creatures, both whimsical and realistic. Paint a mural filled with the natural beauty of a coral reef or the imagined beauty of a mermaid gathering. Chests filled with treasure, Neptune's court and...