Business & Finance: Are you ready to ditch complex accounting software?

Are you ready to ditch complex accounting software?

Accounting software was never meant for business owners or self employed folk. They were made to simplify the job of an accountant. So if you are finding it hard to comprehend and use, do not worry. A

Business & Finance: The Advantages of Owning a Home-Based Business

The Advantages of Owning a Home-Based Business

For many people who want to strike out on their own or just add another income source a home-based business is a great way to do it. A home-based business owner can get financial benefits, tax benefits, and better flexibility in their lives. Here are just some of the benefits that a business owner c

Business & Finance: New Economy Work Skills

New Economy Work Skills

These are some of the new skills you need. If you don't have the right kind of skills and training, you will struggle in the new world of work.

Business & Finance: 3 Steps on Work at Home Business and How to Make Money on the Internet

3 Steps on Work at Home Business and How to Make Money on the Internet

Have you been sourcing for a work at home business where you can make money on the internet? If you have been doing your homework well, you know that the internet offers a unique work from home business opportunity. You can market your product or service without having the need to invest a big sum o

Business & Finance: Why Do I Need A Coach?

Why Do I Need A Coach?

Are you looking to set up your own business and really get it off the ground? Have you already hung out your shingle, but aren't getting the response you wanted? Have you thought about utilizing a coach?

Business & Finance: Tools and Equipment That Transcriptionists Use

Tools and Equipment That Transcriptionists Use

Who wouldn't want a well-paying job that can be done at the comfort of your home? That is one of the main reasons why medical transcriptionist jobs are so high in demand. Everyone would seem to want to be one.

Business & Finance: How to Make Negative Thinking Work For You

How to Make Negative Thinking Work For You

Inasmuch as positive thinking is a healthy, creative and productive approach to life, there IS something to be said about being the (occasional) Negative Nelly.God, that's SO cheesy. Negative Nelly.

Business & Finance: Federal Unemployment Tax Act of 1935

Federal Unemployment Tax Act of 1935

The Federal Unemployment Tax Act, or FUTA, funds the joint federal-state unemployment benefits program that was legislated in 1935 -- during the Great Depression -- as part of the Social Security Act of 1935. President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlined his unemployment benefit plan during one of his fi

Business & Finance: Want to Write a Winning Tender?

Want to Write a Winning Tender?

Times are hard and you want to tender for some more business, but you don't want to waste your time writing proposals that do not win new business.So how do you ensure that you write a winning tender?

Business & Finance: Use Your Typing Skills to Earn Money Online

Use Your Typing Skills to Earn Money Online

Do you consider yourself a good typist or at least have some writing skills? If so, there are many ways in which you can use the internet to create some nice income.

Business & Finance: Home-Based Business Is This Right for You?

Home-Based Business Is This Right for You?

When getting started in a home-based business you must make this decision with your eyes wide open. Ask yourself the questions but even more important is to answer the questions honestly.

Business & Finance: Spirituality, Money, and You: A Dynamic Change for Heart-Centered Businesses

Spirituality, Money, and You: A Dynamic Change for Heart-Centered Businesses

The subject of spirituality and money is more common today than it has ever been in the past. Today, we are in the midst of a business revolution in which an ever-growing number of entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals are taking a stand to becoming more conscious and heart-based in thei

Business & Finance: Legitimate Home Business - Guidelines On Franchising Your Business

Legitimate Home Business - Guidelines On Franchising Your Business

As part of the careful research and planning you need to do to prepare your business for franchising, you should identify the elements of your operations that can be adapted in each franchised outlet. You can't franchise a concept or an idea, so you should have business format that has been tri

Business & Finance: How To Use In-App Purchases Most Effectively

How To Use In-App Purchases Most Effectively

Did you know that 40% of an apps revenue comes from the in-app purchases? IT'S TRUE! And that's an amazing figure. So when developing an app, especially a game, you need to make sure to optimise your app for the best use of in-app purchases.

Business & Finance: Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, sunset.Life can simply become living from day-to-day in a routine dictated by others.Over 90 percent of the people in North America today are in jobs they don't like but feel they are trapped by the 'system.'With the rise of the internet marketing business everyone needs to a

Business & Finance: Are You Cut Out to Go Virtual?

Are You Cut Out to Go Virtual?

The credit crunch and the looming recession will have an impact on all of us, whether it's the price of petrol and food or concerns about job security and risk of redundancy.Of course, changing direction because of redundancy or the need to balance the demands of family can open up opportunitie

Business & Finance: Putting Up a Home Cake Decorating Business

Putting Up a Home Cake Decorating Business

There are lots of opportunities for creative people especially if they know some other skills like baking and decorating. Putting up a home cake decorating business may take people to put up some small capital for the things that they need. However, if they become successful they can expand it later