Business & Finance Corporations

The Advantages of Owning a Home-Based Business

For many people who want to strike out on their own or just add another income source a home-based business is a great way to do it.
A home-based business owner can get financial benefits, tax benefits, and better flexibility in their lives.
Here are just some of the benefits that a business owner can get from having their business in the home.
Benefits · Control earning potential The home-based business owner has the ability to decide how much they will make without having to depend on promotions or raises.
· Write off part of mortgage & utilities on taxes Your office space is a business expense, and if the office happens to be in your home that is fine.
Check with an accountant or tax agencies to know for sure what can be deducted and how.
  · Write off health insurance on taxes Normally an employer would write these expenses off, if you are your own employer, why not do the same? · No commuting, no gas money Save time and money.
The perfect way to save the average American an hour a day and a bunch of cash that would normally go in your gas tank.
· Make lunch at home, no fast food expenses Save your wallet from getting thinner, and your waistline from getting bigger.
· Set your own hours, flexibility to change them.
The boss usually sets hours; if you're the boss the hours can be different on certain days.
Only want to work until 2 on Thursdays? No problem.
· Close to family, great when you have sick children home from school Take care of children, run an errand in the middle of the day, or just be there when they get home.
If work is at home, you're never too far from the action.
· Ability to be involved in every aspect of business Don't get burned out in one line of work.
As the owner of a home-based business you can be involved in everything from marketing to choosing the letterhead.
· Can run business full or part time and change over time If you want to start part time and move to full time after a year or two, go for it.
No one else determines how the company grows but you.
Anyone who tells you that anyone can get rich by sitting at home and not doing anything is lying.
The company that I work for, Press-A-Print International, has been selling business opportunities for decades and every workshop they hold reminds people that they can make a good living running their own business, but they have to work.
Running a home-based business is a great idea with many advantages, but do your homework.
Attend one of our workshops and ask questions, decide how you would set it up and talk to people you know.
There are a lot of benefits to be had from working at home for yourself.
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