Business & Finance Corporations

Sunrise, Sunset

Life with its seemingly endless cycle - sunrise, sunset; sunrise, sunset.
A catchy little two word phrase.
Some one should use them for the bases of a song.
Oh, that's right.
Someone did a couple a decades ago.
Life has a way of continuing as it always has.
The cycle becomes hypnotic to us.
So the days pass trance-like.
Unfortunately too many people will let life control them instead of them controlling their life.
People will tell them what to do.
What they should study.
What they should become.
Rarely is anyone asked what they would like to be doing.
If they are asked, the answers are usually scoffed at - don't be ridiculous, aren't you aiming a little high?, no one from our family has ever done that!And on and on go the sayings of those who think they know what is best for our life.
Understand this whole thing of 'fitting into the mold' begins in school.
You are told what room to go to; where to stand; where to sit; color inside the lines; etc.
, etc.
, etc.
Schools are not looking for individuality or creativity.
They want us to fit into the pattern handed down from one generation to the next.
It appears that people are starting to rebel against the age-old ways of doing things in ever increasing numbers.
The number of people joining home based businesses are increasing month after month.
As the cost-of-living continues to rise and the salaries no longer keeping up people are having to look for additional ways to make money.
Two family incomes have become the standard.
Even with the two incomes people are now getting part-time evening jobs.
So, where are they turning?Home based businesses.
A home based business is still a business.
It still takes showing up for work.
It takes my commitment to do-whatever-it-takes to make the business successful.
I become responsible for what happens.
I cannot blame someone else.
One person who has taken that responsibility is Lil with EDC.
In fact she is involved in a few companies.
She is a woman of "high energy".
Sunrise, sunset; sunrise, sunset, she paints the beautiful colors of hers.
What do your days look like? Jim Heller
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