Health & Medical: Simple Facts About Arthritis

Simple Facts About Arthritis

Individuals who reach the ages of 40 and above are susceptible to arthritis. Arthritis is the condition of swelled joints that makes it hard to do physical movements in the affected area and sometimes even causes disability. About 350 million people have been struck by this 100 different types of di

Health & Medical: Sewing Tips for People With Osteoarthritis

Sewing Tips for People With Osteoarthritis

Physical limitations caused by osteoarthritis can make sewing difficult. Looking for solutions so you don't have to stop sewing? Check out these sewing tips for people with osteoarthritis.

Health & Medical: Back Pain That Moves Around - How to Treat Traveling Arthritis

Back Pain That Moves Around - How to Treat Traveling Arthritis

Often when you're experiencing pain in the lower center part of the back, in one hour or so it could well move up to the middle of the spine, and then on to the shoulder blades. This is referred to as "traveling arthritis", and if you've been diagnosed with arthritis of the back

Health & Medical: The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation

For 60 years, the Arthritis Foundation has been a leader in the prevention and control of those 100+ diseases, helping to improve the lives of many individuals across the United States.By spearheading the prevention, research and efforts improve the quality of life of sufferers, this organization ha

Health & Medical: How to Treat Gout Now and Forever

How to Treat Gout Now and Forever

Did you know you can treat gout by paying more visits to your local fruit and vegetable seller? Preventing the cause of gout is the simple and only answer to the question how to treat gout. The cause of gout: too much uric acid in your blood for a long period of time. Two solutions that will cure yo

Health & Medical: What Is a DMARD?

What Is a DMARD?

The definition of DMARD, a class of drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Health & Medical: Osteoarthritis - Trends in Treatment Offer Hope to Millions

Osteoarthritis - Trends in Treatment Offer Hope to Millions

Pain. For the estimated 20 million sufferers of arthritis in the United States, pain is a constant and dependable companion. Sufferers of this disease - which comes in many forms and does not discriminate - search, often without much success, for relief.

Health & Medical: The Truth About Rheumatoid Arthritis Cures

The Truth About Rheumatoid Arthritis Cures

Has a cure for rheumatoid arthritis finally been found? A quick look around the internet finds scores of over-the-counter medications guaranteed to bring relief! Keep looking and you'll find more prescription medicines, new medical procedures, announcements of new surgical procedures and natura

Health & Medical: Natural Joint Pain Relief

Natural Joint Pain Relief

Pain is your body's natural defense against illness and injury. It serves as the signal that something is wrong in the body. Pains associated with arthritis include severe pain from inflammation of the joints, acute pain from damaged joints, and aggravated pain brought on by chronic suffering f

Health & Medical: The Fundamentals of Gout Natural Treatment

The Fundamentals of Gout Natural Treatment

With the financial difficulties that hover around us due to the rising cost of commodities, it is only normal to look for gout natural treatment. Aside from the use of organic materials that are harvested from nature's bounty, gout natural treatment is free from radical side effects brought by

Health & Medical: Natural Cherry Juice for Arthritis

Natural Cherry Juice for Arthritis

Cherry Juice for arthritis has become very popular among those with this serious medical problem. It has been found that the huge amount of antioxidants in this small fruit can give very positive benefits to sufferers of gout and other forms of arthritis.

Health & Medical: Natural Treatments For Arthritis Can Be Curative

Natural Treatments For Arthritis Can Be Curative

There are plenty of natural treatments for arthritis, but some of them simply palliate, rather than cure. And not all of them look for the cause. In looking for this, you have the best possible chance of cure.