Health & Medical: Will Alternative Treatment Methods Relive Osteo-Arthritis?

Will Alternative Treatment Methods Relive Osteo-Arthritis?

There are lots of men and women around the globe who have got to withstand the anguish affiliated with joint pain. However, despite the fact that there are lots of over the counter as well as prescription treatments available they could cause uncomfortable side effects in most afflicted individuals.

Health & Medical: Arthritis Treatment - Releasing Joint Pressure

Arthritis Treatment - Releasing Joint Pressure

Arthritis is characterized by the inflammation on the joint that causes pain on the affected area. If you are looking for the right information on an effective arthritis treatment then you have come to the right place.

Health & Medical: Side Effect of Joint Pain Drugs

Side Effect of Joint Pain Drugs

Joint pain usually can be effectively controlled with over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Joint pain medications can cause side effects ranging from mild to severe in some patients. Talk with your doctor about any concerns.

Health & Medical: Overcoming Arthritis Pain In Your Hands

Overcoming Arthritis Pain In Your Hands

Arthritis in the hands is one of the most crippling forms of arthritis. It can not only slow you down but can often prevent you from doing the things you want to do. Added to this is the fact that it is often the most painful form of this disease.

Health & Medical: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus: Gene Link

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus: Gene Link

Some rheumatoid arthritis and lupus patients share a variation in the STAT4 gene, scientists report in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Health & Medical: Looking For a Natural Supplement For Arthritis?

Looking For a Natural Supplement For Arthritis?

Are you looking for a natural supplement for arthritis? Many people the world over suffer from the agony of arthritis. Many of them either just dose themselves up with painkilling drugs, or worse still, just put up with the pain and lead a limited and painful life.

Health & Medical: Knee Pain and Arthritis - Taking Control

Knee Pain and Arthritis - Taking Control

The number of patients with knee arthritis is increasing dramatically as baby-boomers hit retirement age. This is due to the combined effects of active lifestyles, prior surgeries and people living longer. The great news is this: if you are among those with chronic, increasing pain in the knee, ther

Health & Medical: Dry Eyes May Be Related to an Autoimmune Disease

Dry Eyes May Be Related to an Autoimmune Disease

When your eyes don't produce enough tears or the right quality of tears, the result is a condition commonly called "Dry Eyes". It can occur as a secondary condition to autoimmune diseases.

Health & Medical: 13 Important Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

13 Important Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis will lead to an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. If you are experiencing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, see a doctor.

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