Who's Fault is It? So, what led to my acquiring of arthritis? I was the victim of divorced parents.
My mom remarried twice and my dad had visitation rights.
In my particular case, neither parent was insistent upon my consuming what I would call "a well balanced diet.
" Frankly, I doubt that they really knew what one was.
Dad, for example, would encourage me to eat chocolate candy bars for quick energy, with which instructions I was only too happy to comply.
If I wanted hamburger, fries, and malts or banana splits, it made no difference to them.
Needless to say, I was overweight and I am likewise convinced that my system was well on the way to becoming plugged up at an all too young age.
What Does That Have to Do With Arthritis? Yes, I did in fact develop arthritis, and there are millions who also suffer from this loathsome and painful disease.
Much later in my life, my daughter-in-law was also affected adversely by arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis as a matter of fact.
Anyone who has or is suffering from this malady knows only too well that the word "atrocious" just about defines it in a fair to middling fashion.
In my case, it had the potential of being life threatening in view of limiting my ability to defend myself adequately as a policeman.
In my daughter-in-law's case, she was the mother of six and had all of attendant responsibilities that being a wife and mother imply.
Again, when a member of one's own family is affected adversely with any malady, the pain becomes even more pronounced.
Though I do not know where all arthritis comes from; I do know that my arthritis left my body only after an M.
advised me that I should stop eating white sugar.
So I had to stop eating banana splits and candy bars and everything in-between.
Of course I could not blame my parents because I was now "all grown up" and made my own decisions.
But it wasn't an easy decision to eliminate sugar from my diet.
Is There Any Hope at All? Changing my dietary habits was a great alternative for me since it freed me from spending the "best half" of my life on pain medications.
Because of my successful experience with alternative medicine, it was only as one would suspect that our children would be open to alternative medicine as a viable consideration for their health needs as well.
You can only imagine the delight that my wife and I had upon learning that our daughter-in-law had been delivered from all of the effects of rheumatoid arthritis by the use of an herbal supplement.
If you or someone you love is suffering from arthritis, I highly suggest that you get advice from a nutritionist about how you can modify your eating habits.
I also suggest you consider what benefits might be available to you from supplementing your nutrition with herbs as well.
If you have a hard time breaking free from sugars, there are herbs that can suppress those cravings.
So don't give up hope! Your freedom from arthritis might be just around the corner.
My mom remarried twice and my dad had visitation rights.
In my particular case, neither parent was insistent upon my consuming what I would call "a well balanced diet.
" Frankly, I doubt that they really knew what one was.
Dad, for example, would encourage me to eat chocolate candy bars for quick energy, with which instructions I was only too happy to comply.
If I wanted hamburger, fries, and malts or banana splits, it made no difference to them.
Needless to say, I was overweight and I am likewise convinced that my system was well on the way to becoming plugged up at an all too young age.
What Does That Have to Do With Arthritis? Yes, I did in fact develop arthritis, and there are millions who also suffer from this loathsome and painful disease.
Much later in my life, my daughter-in-law was also affected adversely by arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis as a matter of fact.
Anyone who has or is suffering from this malady knows only too well that the word "atrocious" just about defines it in a fair to middling fashion.
In my case, it had the potential of being life threatening in view of limiting my ability to defend myself adequately as a policeman.
In my daughter-in-law's case, she was the mother of six and had all of attendant responsibilities that being a wife and mother imply.
Again, when a member of one's own family is affected adversely with any malady, the pain becomes even more pronounced.
Though I do not know where all arthritis comes from; I do know that my arthritis left my body only after an M.
advised me that I should stop eating white sugar.
So I had to stop eating banana splits and candy bars and everything in-between.
Of course I could not blame my parents because I was now "all grown up" and made my own decisions.
But it wasn't an easy decision to eliminate sugar from my diet.
Is There Any Hope at All? Changing my dietary habits was a great alternative for me since it freed me from spending the "best half" of my life on pain medications.
Because of my successful experience with alternative medicine, it was only as one would suspect that our children would be open to alternative medicine as a viable consideration for their health needs as well.
You can only imagine the delight that my wife and I had upon learning that our daughter-in-law had been delivered from all of the effects of rheumatoid arthritis by the use of an herbal supplement.
If you or someone you love is suffering from arthritis, I highly suggest that you get advice from a nutritionist about how you can modify your eating habits.
I also suggest you consider what benefits might be available to you from supplementing your nutrition with herbs as well.
If you have a hard time breaking free from sugars, there are herbs that can suppress those cravings.
So don't give up hope! Your freedom from arthritis might be just around the corner.