- 1). Remove the pot from the heat source and set it in icy water to stop the cooking and prevent further burning
- 2). Ladle the soup into another pot, being careful to leave behind the burned substance on the bottom of the pot. Avoid stirring the soup or scraping the bottom, as that will disturb any burned soup on the sides and bottom of the pot and ruin the soup you are trying to save.
- 3). Taste the soup to see if separating the unburned portion from the burned portion was enough to save it. If the soup tastes slightly smokey or burned, try the below tips for camouflaging the flavor. If the soup tastes extremely burned, there may be nothing you can do for it.
- 1). Add a little extra broth or water (or milk/cream for cream soups) to dilute the burned flavor. Start with a little liquid at first and add it gradually so you don't water down the soup.
- 2). Add more flavor using the seasonings and spices in the soup. If the seasonings in the soup aren't strong enough to mask the burned flavor, consider using stronger spice like garlic or ingredients that go nicely with smokey flavors like paprika or bacon.
- 3). Peel a potato and place it in the soup for a few minutes while cooking to absorb the burned taste. Remove the potato before serving.
- 4). Rethink the type of soup you were making. You may have started making a simple potato soup, but a little creativity can make it a smoked potato and bacon soup by tossing in some cooked bacon, topping with some smoked Gouda cheese and changing the name.
Quick Actions to Save Burned Soup
Masking the Flavor of Burned Soup