Business & Finance Blogging

Build Blog Traffic Fast

Ok you're first hot trends blog is set up and ready for visitors to come and read your content and hopefully click on your money making links.
So let's get some visitors.
Obviously we want all we can get in a short period of time.
Since we can't really count on Google to index out blog within 24 to 48 hours, so we can start seeing some traffic from organic searches, we need to build some back links to our blog that will generate traffic to our post from people interested in the content.
Here's the formula: More links from popular sites = higher search engine positions for your page.
But for our Purposes: The initial traffic boost comes from people using Social Bookmarking sites INSTEAD of search engines.
Why? Because millions of people have learned that people who are actual users and not machines do a much better job of categorizing topical RELEVANT information than search engines do.
Not that they have stopped using search engines all together, but they have found that their favorite social bookmarking site(s) are a viable resource.
Some Hot Trends Linger When a hot trend lingers (Stays hot for a week or 2), back links from popular sites to your hot trend blogs can make a significant difference.
How does Social Bookmarking build or generate traffic to your hot trends blog? The top (PR-5 and above), Social Bookmarking sites are very popular and therefore just getting your blog URL, description of your content and tags (Keywords), generate traffic from the social bookmarking sites themselves.
Google sees links coming from the more popular sites as having more weight when listing your blog in search engine results.
If you have done your hot trends research right, there will be some ongoing interest in your hot trend topic.
(Note: In case you are not aware, PR ratings are popularity ratings Google assigns to sites based on numerous attributes including traffic served, searches for, searches found and the relevancy of those searches.
) The higher the PR rating, the more popular the site is and the higher the PR rating.
The lowest rating is - 0 - and the highest is 10.
Anything ranked above a PR-5 is pretty popular, PR-7 and above are VERY popular and therefore are a great sites to have links from, (In the form of bookmarks), back to your site/blog.
Link building is a natural by-product of social bookmarking sites.
Since you are using your links and blog posts as leverage while you network, it becomes very simple to locate groups of interest, and then to proceed with sharing your links through article submissions and relevant posts.
You don't have to get carried away with putting together your profile page on these sites.
Something simple will do.
Why? Because your primary reason for setting up an account is to build back links, not to socialize or make friends.
Increasing links to your website can be done in a few different ways, without spamming: oCommenting on blogs, articles, and posts and providing link back information of relevance which is your hot trends content.
oMaking sure people are aware of information that you have posted, by copying and pasting the link on relevant discussions or comments at the blogs on the hot trend you researched.
These are all effective traffic builders for your website, and can start to spread the message about a particular about your take on a hot trend topic by getting your links to your hot trends blog post bookmarked into the top social bookmarking sites.
So just as we set up tabs in your FireFox Browser for Hot Trends and HT Blogs, you need to set up a "Bookmarks Toolbar" tab for social bookmarking sites.
I simply named mine "SB Sites".
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