A real estate agent uses his expertise on representing and informing persons directly involved on real estate transactions. These transactions include sales contracts and leasing contracts. The real estate agent also informs their clients on topics such as current state of the market, values and marketability of their properties, and repairs needed to maintain the property value.
Lots of traveling is involved in order to meet with clients, see properties and research government agencies on public record issues. In order to enter this field you should take real estate courses required by the state you live in. At the beginning of your business you will be required to work and share your income with a broker. As your experience builds up and your number of courses taken increases you will have a chance to become a broker. As a broker you have greater freedom on the way you run your business and greater income per transaction. As in any sales related business you should manage your time wisely to maximize profits. There are many courses that are not required that can help you with time management.
This business allows you to work from home and it is not recommended for people with disabilities. Keep an eye on your advertising costs which could get out of hand. You should advertise in the yellow pages, billboards, newspaper, community boards and your greater advertising source: word of mouth. As a real estate agent your income potential is limitless depending on your ability to manage time and build a solid reputation. You can charge 3% - 6% of the sales price in commission. As high as 10% to 20% on unique properties. For Internet links related to this business do a search for the National Association of Realtors, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Realtor.com.
Lots of traveling is involved in order to meet with clients, see properties and research government agencies on public record issues. In order to enter this field you should take real estate courses required by the state you live in. At the beginning of your business you will be required to work and share your income with a broker. As your experience builds up and your number of courses taken increases you will have a chance to become a broker. As a broker you have greater freedom on the way you run your business and greater income per transaction. As in any sales related business you should manage your time wisely to maximize profits. There are many courses that are not required that can help you with time management.
This business allows you to work from home and it is not recommended for people with disabilities. Keep an eye on your advertising costs which could get out of hand. You should advertise in the yellow pages, billboards, newspaper, community boards and your greater advertising source: word of mouth. As a real estate agent your income potential is limitless depending on your ability to manage time and build a solid reputation. You can charge 3% - 6% of the sales price in commission. As high as 10% to 20% on unique properties. For Internet links related to this business do a search for the National Association of Realtors, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Realtor.com.