Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Keybinding WoW Abilities - Is It Really Necessary?

Is it worth Keybinding WoW skills? Can't I play the game without having to use them and macros? Those are all questions I thought of when I noticed that I kept losing in PvP.
My gear was high-end and I'm not exactly a newbie either.
So why did some players always seem to defeat me so easily? After dueling with some of the best players on my server, I asked them what were their thoughts on my performance.
I was surprised to see most of them saying the same thing.
That my abilities didn't have the right flow.
It was very chaotic.
I never thought of World of Warcraft as an art form so I wasn't really looking into making my actions run smoother.
But it seemed that was the next step to take if I wanted to get to a whole new level of game play.
So I began looking for the WoW keybinds and macros that the top player use.
I found all sorts of bits and pieces of information and keyboard layouts, but none of them seemed like they could really help.
When I was just about to give up, I found a website that had a lot of ideas for how to keybinding WoW skills better and also had a lot of macros I could use.
It seemed to be just what I needed, so I started using what I saw on said website.
There were keybinds and macros for every possible class and spec in World of Warcraft.
I just picked the one suited for my class and the spec I had and started using it.
It was tough at first because my buttons were all changed.
But I kept using them in PvE and BGs thinking that once I get used to them, it'll be better.
And it got better.
It only took me around a week to really get used to it and the results were amazing.
I could actually feel that I had better flow when using abilities.
I knew for certain that keybinding my WoW skills helped me when I dueled the same players again and I fought on par with them.
I won a lot more fights against them and they too noticed my improvement.
So is it important to use keybinds and macros in WoW? It is if you want to be able to compete with the elite on your server.
Not to mention the fact that the keybinds will help you in every other aspect of the game.
I had some very clear improvements on raids too, as was shown to me by the Damage Meter add-on.
In the end, I got a lot better at the game by simply using the best keybinding WoW tool.
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