Natural penis enlargement methods are an option for men not wanting to have to go under the knife for an increase in shaft size.
There are many methods being advertised claiming to be the best answer for penis enlargement.
But which one is the best for the individual? This review article will explain what really works.
Herbal pills and lotions are packed full of ingredients claiming to have aphrodisiac qualities.
They also contain herbs that have been used for thousands of years for blood flow problems, sexual energy enhancement and the like.
Other, sometimes more toxic, pills are available and have the same claims.
That is, not only do they make the man stronger and harder, they also enlarge the penis over time.
They claim to enhance the performance and make erections easier to maintain.
Next comes the equipment all promoting bigger shafts.
These include pumps, weights and devices for stretching, rings preventing blood flowing out of the penis area and so on.
Lastly comes surgical interventions.
The girth enhancer is by far the most common operation with body fat being injected into the shaft of the penis and scrotum.
Implants can be added if impotency is a problem.
Lengthening is somewhat controversial and involves cutting ligaments to release the shaft from its natural position.
Due to the risks involved with surgery it should always be a last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted.
There are many, many products on the market all making exaggerated claims to make you bigger, wider, stronger, harder etc.
, etc.
Prices range from free - the exercising and stretching techniques that can be done at home - to the very expensive surgical procedures none of which are covered by medical insurance unless you suffer from impotency.
It is advisable that you conduct some research before purchasing any enhancement product and it is essential that it comes with a money back guarantee but I highly recommend that you begin your enhancement efforts with a herbal penis pill such as Vimax.
There are many methods being advertised claiming to be the best answer for penis enlargement.
But which one is the best for the individual? This review article will explain what really works.
Herbal pills and lotions are packed full of ingredients claiming to have aphrodisiac qualities.
They also contain herbs that have been used for thousands of years for blood flow problems, sexual energy enhancement and the like.
Other, sometimes more toxic, pills are available and have the same claims.
That is, not only do they make the man stronger and harder, they also enlarge the penis over time.
They claim to enhance the performance and make erections easier to maintain.
Next comes the equipment all promoting bigger shafts.
These include pumps, weights and devices for stretching, rings preventing blood flowing out of the penis area and so on.
Lastly comes surgical interventions.
The girth enhancer is by far the most common operation with body fat being injected into the shaft of the penis and scrotum.
Implants can be added if impotency is a problem.
Lengthening is somewhat controversial and involves cutting ligaments to release the shaft from its natural position.
Due to the risks involved with surgery it should always be a last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted.
There are many, many products on the market all making exaggerated claims to make you bigger, wider, stronger, harder etc.
, etc.
Prices range from free - the exercising and stretching techniques that can be done at home - to the very expensive surgical procedures none of which are covered by medical insurance unless you suffer from impotency.
It is advisable that you conduct some research before purchasing any enhancement product and it is essential that it comes with a money back guarantee but I highly recommend that you begin your enhancement efforts with a herbal penis pill such as Vimax.