- 1). Cut four equal lengths of string or twine about two feet long using scissors. Tie a small knot at the end of each piece of string.
- 2). Hold the shower cap at the opening with both hands and stretch it several times so the elastic loosens. Do this a little longer if the elastic doesn't stretch right away. Be careful not to tear the shower cap. Inspect the cap to ensure there are no holes in it.
- 3). Tape the knotted end of one piece of string to the inside of the shower cap near the elastic. Leave the knot sticking out beyond the piece of tape inside the shower cap to help keep the string from pulling away from the tape. Burnish the tape down with your fingernail to ensure the string is firmly in place.
- 4). Repeat Step 3 with another piece of string directly across from the first piece. Tape the third piece of string to the shower cap halfway between the other two. The fourth piece of string goes directly opposite the third string. The shower cap should have four strings hanging from it now, with the strings all about the same distance apart.
- 5). Tie the loose end of one string to the small rubber band. Proceed tying each of the other three strings to the rubber band in order, so that the leftmost string on the shower cap is also the leftmost string on the rubber band. Keep the strings untangled -- each string when tied to the band should hang down from the shower cap without crossing any of the other strings.
- 6). Push an action figure or similarly-sized toy through the rubber band so the band becomes a belt for it. If the rubber band is too loose or may come off during flight, tape it onto the action figure. (Any small object may be used as the paratrooper, as long as it weighs enough to throw a distance.)
- 7). Fold the shower cap in half left to right (with the strings coming out the bottom). Wrap the strings and action figure carefully around the folded shower cap so that it will unfurl when thrown. Be careful not to tangle the strings during this process.
- 8). Throw the shower cap parachute up in the air as high as you can, or drop it from a high location. Watch the parachute carry your toy safely to the ground.