Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

Website Builder Software

Website Builder Software

Are you thinking about building a website for your small business? There are several website builder software varieties that you can check out that will make it easy and quick for you to advertise your business to the rest of the world. Here is some information on the software varieties and features that you may want to choose from.

If you want to build an html website, you will need to choose website builder software like TextEdit or WordPad to build your site with. HTML code is pretty standard for most Web pages, and if you're not quite sure about coding, there are lots of free online tutorials you can take a look at during the process.

Or, you could use web site builder software in the WYSIWYG, or 'what you see is what you get' category. For this type of programming, the HTML code is hidden from the user. You will be able to build the website by typing text into boxes, and inserting pictures onto a blank screen. The page that you do your programming on looks a lot like a word processing screen, so if you're familiar with working with Microsoft Word, you should have no problem at all.

There are also a few website builder software types that are a combination of html and WYSIWYG. These are called combo editors, and will allow you to work with WYSIWYG interface or a back end code. You can switch between these two features while you're working on typing in the text and graphics for all the pages of your website. This will provide you with some different, interactive features, and may make it easier for some of your users to navigate through the site.

Don't forget to log onto sites like and in order to find free or affordable website builder software that is really easy to use. You can use programs like Yahoo SiteBuilder to create a small business website step by step. The program will even allow you to choose your template, so that your website will stand out. It's also a good idea to research a few content management systems. After you use the website builder software to create your online marketing tool, you'll need a management system to maintain your website. Content providers can submit information to the site using this website, and you'll need to learn about the variety of templates that are used to put together graphics and texts from separate files.

If you're not quite sure which website builder software is right for you, you can also check out great reviews at or
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